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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 17: S.U.C.K. in the U.S.A.

In this Episode I discussed what I think is ‘wrong’ with living in the US as of late 2020. This isn’t a rant against political parties or an attempt to argue for a particular political position. Rather, I question some of the basic beliefs we have about how our ‘system’ works. Why do we make the decisions we make? Why do we accept that ‘government is inefficient’ or that ‘capitalism is the best economic system’?

I guess I just tire of the ‘you can’t turn a battleship’ argument that says we can’t change anything because it’s ‘too hard’ or ‘unfair’ or that ‘if we switch from coal to solar all the miners will lose their jobs’. I’m tired of the cop outs and would much prefer pushing our collective comfort zones toward change rather than believing that the ‘same old, same old’ is going to produce different results.

Link to preview here:

(hopefully facebook won’t prevent me from posting this, given the title 🙂 )

Link to full Episode post here:

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