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KEW Episode 12: Fear

We all have fears about a lot of different things. Some are benign and don’t really affect our daily lives. Like a fear of spiders. Yeah, we freak out when we see one but most people don’t worry every time they put their shoes on that a black widow will bite them. Other fears can be absolutely crippling, like the fear of public places rendering some folks to never leave their houses.

Fear is also the root of anxiety and depression; anxiety is the fear of the future and depression is a fear of the past. These two cripple all of us to varying degrees and make it difficult for us to grow. Fear can make it extremely difficult for us to change our lives in positive ways.

Fear is also stigmatized, especially for men, because it is often viewed as being weak. My purpose this week is to reduce the stigma of fear, provide evidence that we all suffer from fear to varying degrees, and illustrate multiple lines of evidence about what we can (and can’t) do about it. As usual, I request a discourse that includes your comments and feedback about how we process fear in our lives.

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