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Preview KEW Curiosity Interview Series 9: Marcas Hemmila

Marcas Hemmila is on a mission to help you grow, get unstuck, and ignite a fire in your life. His background is super interesting as he has been in the military and was a computer programmer, but is now spreading hope and help across the internet. So he brings with him a cool combination of leadership, a scientific mind, and a genetic predisposition to help people.

He is putting out incredible content daily on tiktok, instagram, an explosive YouTube channel with longer content, and has a website with links to all of his content including a podcast. You can find him by searching for “Discover Ignite” or just go to

Marcas wants you to Discover Ignite. To learn about your self and to create the life you want. I discovered when I joined Linkedin and HAD to find out more about him. In the 9th installment of my Curiosity interview series you get to meet Marcas, find out what motivated him to discover and ignite his own life, and learn more about his message.

Here’s a preview of the interview:

Full episode with podcast audio (download direct, or subscribe via your favorite podcast app!) and YouTube video coming this Friday at

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