
‘We Are . . . . Earth. Solving the Problem Together’ Preview KEW Episode 97: New World View

A lot of people may have an issue with this Episode. I really don’t have a feel for how many people believe we are all connected. KEW Episode 10 focused on the idea of Connectedness, but I don’t know if it is a popular concept. To me it is obvious that we are both individuals and also connected. Call it the dual nature of humans. Or dualism. Or individualism AND communism. Any kind of ism.…

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Preview KEW Episode 83: Awareness, Attention, and Meditation

What are your thoughts on meditation? Do you think it’s some hokey mumbo-jumbo? Do you think it’s too hard to find time but that there may be something to it? Are you a regular cushion-sitter? As a human, you’re likely to fall in there somewhere. And if you are reading, listening to, or watching Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom you’re probably at least a little curious about meditation. Meditation has been called the single best…

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Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom Featured on ‘Intelligent Conversations’ Podcast

I’ll admit I reached out to Josh Baker at The Intelligent Conversations podcast. I wanted to be a part of what he was doing. But I didn’t realize he was going to verify and validate one of my latest suspicions. That an almost 50 year old dude (me) and a 19 year old guy (Josh) have a lot more in common than they might think. In fact, Josh and I illustrate quite well my ‘bimodal…

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KEW The Are vs Should Interview Series: Stephanie Mitchell

If you follow Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom you will be familiar with IFS. If you are not familiar, Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a psychotherapy model used to heal past trauma. In IFS, we view ourselves as being comprised of ‘parts’ that resemble siblings in a big family. These parts have taken on roles over time that we continue to implement as they all serve some purpose in our internal ‘family’. The process of…

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