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What if We Miss Our One and Only Amazing Purpose?

I’m gearing up for my 100th Episode. Not the episode itself, really, but what will happen AFTER the episode. I’m gearing up for KEW episodes 101-200.

The next few Episodes leading up to 100 are building up to a massive idea that has arisen from the first 100. Kind of an integration and a revelation. I will introduce the main ideas in episodes 99 and 100. Then the fun begins.

But to explain the title of this post, the next 100 episodes will be about our purpose. The why, the what, and they how of what we are supposed to do while on planet Earth.

I have a vision, I see the path, I am willing to do the work. For me and for us all. As my contribution.

But sometimes, like right now, I feel so unworthy. So . . . not able. So unimportant. Like I’ve already missed my purpose. And like whatever it is I have to offer is not important.

You see, I’m a great dad. I’m a pretty good husband. Those things define me. I was a great scientist, but I’m not any more. I retired from a meaningful job to be a stay-at-home-dad, and never really recovered any type of career. I have never really developed an identity outside of my family.

And while family is my priority and one of my top values, I wonder if there is something more. Or if there WAS something more. Something I have left behind.

Or something to look forward to.

Careers and work do a lot to support our identities and self-esteem. For some of us, careers are 100% of these things. Many people have no meaning outside the office. Or a minor presence in the rest of their lives. I guess I don’t have that experience.

But I’m not sure it’s much different. Both lives are incomplete. All-or-none living isn’t sustainable or fulfilling.

And I continue to wonder if there is something more for me. This blog and podcast are an attempt to figure that out.

But I don’t know much about marketing. Or social media. Or networking. So my work here is largely unknown. Unseen. Un-received.

And if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear, does it make a sound?

Do I make a sound?

Can a purpose be recognized without being received? Does it exist?

Does a purpose lost in cyberspace where no one sees or hears it, does it make an impact?

I hope you stick around for the next 100 episodes. And find some inspiration in the first 100. Or in the many interviews housed here.

I hope you choose to reach out to me, if you have something to say or share. Do a guest blog. Or an interview.

I’d love it if more people like me share their work with me.

I imagine a network of like-minded thinkers having a virtual and irl discourse about meaningful topics that matter to us as individuals and as a species.

If you’re picking up what I’m laying down, or know someone who might, please let me (and them) know. You can follow my blog using the subscription links, or send me an email at

Thank you,


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