Your Uniqueness is Imperative

Can we revolutionize human evolution? Are you someone who colors outside the lines? Marches to the beat of a different drummer?

Are you drawn to rarity, uniqueness, and different?

Many of us creative and unique folks struggle to belong. Where is our tribe? Where are our people?

As a result, we often mask our uniqueness, thinking we have to blend in.

It’s time to say, ‘enough, is enough’.

Look, I get it. I’ve felt like that my whole life. And I’ve always been looking for people like me. It’s hard to find each other.

So I built this website to share my podcasts, articles, and videos about ALL THE STUFF I like to think about. That you like to think about. That WE like to think about.

I share this content to contribute to a discourse between like minded folks like you.

I really needed something like this when I was a kid, and I’m here for those people. People like you.

I have figured out how to be true to my uniqueness and integrate with communities important to me. Meditation practice and daily mindfulness are the keys. And I am ready to share how I did this with you.

I consider this site to be a small contribution to a much larger and growing group. This group is comprised of like-minded people making their efforts to share their thoughts. These efforts, collectively, will change the future. They will get human evolution back on track.

Join me in tearing down the walls of conformity, letting our freak flags fly, and normalizing diversity. Doing so will not only allow us to thrive as individuals, it will improve humanity and planet Earth. 

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