Getting to interview Dan Tassone was a real treat. If you listened or watched, you know what an amazing guy he is. This was one of those times where we both benefitted equally from this type of experience. Dan is a hospital pharmacist and teaches us about Covid vaccines, CRISPR,…
KEW Episode 60: The Are vs Should Problem – Jobs and Careers
When I was a teenager I realized I would be working for the rest of my life. This hit me like a ton of bricks. This realization LITERALLY left me feeling like I had fallen out of a tree and couldn’t catch my breath. Though I’d experienced physical pain by…
Preview KEW Episode 60: The Are vs Should Problem – Jobs and Career
This week I go back to the roots of the Are vs Should Problem. For me this whole quest began when I was a kid and realized I had made a deal with the devil to blow 2/3 of my day working whatever job I’d be lucky enough to get….
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 45: Career vs. Family
I realized yesterday that the Are vs. Should Problem really started in Episode 42: Safety. I knew the idea had been rolling around in my head, but I didn’t realize I actually stated it formally in that podcast. So, really, the Are vs. Should Problem officially begin in Episode 42….
KEW Episode 59: Are vs Should Challenges
Depending on how you define ‘uncomfortable’, 100-200 million people worldwide can’t meet their basic needs. Folks are born into societies and cultures where they are doomed to fail. Millions of people on this planet will live their entire lives worried about dying, finding food, or having a safe place to…
Preview KEW Episode 59: Are vs Should Challenges
In this Episode I want to take a minute and acknowledge a few things. First, that not everyone has the luxury of pondering the Are vs. Should Problem. In even bringing it up I am letting my white privilege show. I grew up with enough food, enough safety, enough clean…
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 44: Unnatural Selection
“We went from modifying our behavior to suit the Earth, to modifying the Earth to suit our behavior” I’m sure I didn’t make that phrase up, but it does describe what I think is a critical flaw in human evolution. Starting maybe 12,000 years ago, we changed the way we…
KEW Episode 58: Fix the Broken System
In this episode I cover two main points: Millions of people have no interest in the Are vs Should Problem because they can’t meet their basic human needs for things like food, clean water, and safe shelter. These problems can only be fixed if we live more in the Are…
Preview KEW Episode 58: Fix the Broken System
Twenty years of training and working as an Ecologist and Evolutionary Biologist means I see everything as a system of interacting parts. I really can’t see the trees for the forest. When I look at a part, I see the system to which it belongs. It’s a curse. An example…
FLASHBACK! KEW Curiosity Interview Series 4: David McRaney of ‘You Are Not So Smart’
Man, that’s the best snippet up there. Watch it if you didn’t. It will tell you all you need to know about the type of guy David McRaney is. I’m still not sure how this happened, but David McRaney agreed to talk with me about Curiosity, and here’s over an…