David McRaney is the host of the podcast “You Are Not So Smart”, the author of a book by the same name, a follow up book called “You Are Now Less Dumb”, and is writing his next book about how humans change their minds. His website https://youarenotsosmart.com is so FULL…
Preview KEW Curiosity Interview Series 4: David McRaney from You Are Not So Smart
A few years ago someone randomly suggested I listen to a cool podcast called “You Are Not So Smart”. I was a bit insulted, thinking they were trying to tell me something, but I felt more curious than anything. I had to know what this was all about. So way…
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 25: I Suck At. . .
In hindsight the title of this Episode might not have been the best idea, but my intentions are good. Here I share with you some of my imperfections and struggles in hopes that you can relate. We are so good at beating ourselves up, but here I try to view…
KEW Episode 43: Diversity and Uniqueness
As y’all may know, I have always felt a little different. Like an outsider. People in the 80s may have called me a ‘nonconformist’. But as an adult I have learned that many people feel this way, at least some of the time. And, like I say in Episode 20:…
Preview Episode 43: Diversity and Uniqueness
I am currently working on a larger project and want to share a bit about it. A critical theme of this project is that diversity and uniqueness are critical to the success of the human race and our planet Earth. Yeah, that’s a bold claim. And this claim lines up…
FLASHBACK! Episode 24: Religion
I didn’t grow up with any religion. That may seem weird to you, or it may be completely normal. In the grand suite of people in the U.S.A., I think it’s less common NOT to grow up religious. I don’t know about other non-religious kids, but I always had a…
KEW Curiosity Series Interview 3: DJ Doran
I met DJ Doran when he reached out to interview me about my podcast. We hit it off rather quickly, and of course I had to have him on to discuss Curiosity. In fact, the whole Curiosity interview series was inspired by DJ! See, DJ told me my podcast made…
Preview KEW Curiosity Series Interview 3: DJ Doran
DJ Doran is a podcaster, visionary, pilot, sailor, and an all around genuinely good dude. He currently heads and/or manages several multimedia outlets representing the LBGTQ community. He’s a leader, and definitely a mover and a shaker. Yet he seems to have his life well balanced between his family and…
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 23: Who’s Right?
Would you rather be RIGHT, or HAPPY? Think about it. How many times have you faced this situation: You disagree with someone. A spouse, a friend, or coworker. And instead of getting curious and trying to understand each other, you end up in a posturing match of who will more…
Kew Episode 42: Safety
Recently I discovered, or I guess RE-discovered, my 13 year old self around the time I moved from Georgia to Ohio. I figured this was an important time in my life and have always wondered how it might have affected me. By exploring my feelings and thoughts, from my heart…