One of our basic human needs is to feel safe. I realized recently that I created my own safety as a kid in response to bullying. My thirteen-year-old self built a protective cocoon my bedroom filled with all the things I loved and valued. Maybe all teenagers do this, but…
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 22: Time
Time. It’s our most valuable resource, yet for half our lives we think we have enough. Hell, we think we’re immortal for a good part of our lives, as if we have all the time in the world. Youth, is wasted on the young; retirement, on the old. But all…
KEW Curiosity Series Interview 2: Mandy Napier
Mandy Napier resides in Australia where she shares her thirteen years of experience as the ‘mindset alchemist’, a high performance mindset and executive coach (and via zoom, obviously). She has represented Australia in the international Iron Man competition in Hawaii. After being forced to give up her sport, she focused…
Preview KEW Curiosity series: Mandy Napier
I am so lucky to have met Mandy Napier. I stumbled upon her when Google searching for Curiosity. She had published an article called “Why Curiosity is the Essential Skill to Build Right Now“. I reached out to her, thinking she could share with us how Curiosity had influenced her…
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 21: We All Feel Different (But We’re All the Same)
In this Episode I tried to capture the feeling we all have sometimes that we don’t belong. Some of us feel this way most all the time, others just every once in awhile. You may have experienced it as ‘Imposter Syndrome’, when you get a new job or join a…
KEW Episode 41: State of the Podcast
Just checking in this week with some observations about KEW. It’s been almost a year and over 40 episodes. I’ve learned a lot and am doing my best to deliver the highest quality content. What’s new? -I have shortened the episodes. Though 50 minutes works for my ‘thinking cycle’, I…
Preview KEW Episode 41: State of the Podcast
I figured I’d take a little time to check in about where I’ve been, where I am, and where I’m going. A little over a year ago KEW was just an idea. I felt compelled to learn how to podcast and embrace the digital age. I was missing teaching and…
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 20: Enough
How much is enough? Seriously. How much money? How much power? How much recognition? How many followers? How many likes? Similar to the ‘Growth Fallacy‘ I discuss in Episode 39, I think it’s a mistake to assume more is going to solve whatever problem we think it’s going to solve….
KEW Episode 40: Get Out of Your Head!
Figures like the one below have been shared many times from many sources. The point is that we, as humans, are comprised of three key components; Head, Heart, and Gut that interact to make up a whole person. When these parts are out of synch, we experience cognitive dissonance, the…
Preview KEW Episode 40: Get Out of Your Head!
I realized recently that I have spent nearly ten years in therapy. And it was pointed out to me by upcoming interviewee, Mandy Napier (The Mindset Alchemist) that this is too long to have not made much progress. In my defense, I have made A LOT of progress intellectually. But…