Whether you have kids or not, you probably had some sort of guardians who raised you. Or at at least changed your diapers and fed you. Not everyone has kids, but you might one day; or at least have friends who do. These relationships we call ‘parent’ and ‘child’ can…
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 11: Analysis Paralysis
The need to make the ‘correct’ decision in any situation can literally paralyze us into not making any decision at all. It could be ‘needing a minute’ at the restaurant because you can’t decide what to eat, or whether you should quit your job to pursue an acting career. Both…
KEW Episode 30: Quality
I became sort of obsessed with the idea of quality after reading Robert Pirsig’s ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance’. Not that it matters but at one time this was the best selling philosophy book in the world. Which is kind of weird because it’s really just a story…
Preview KEW Episode 30: Quality
Quality is one of those words we think we understand but I’m going to argue that we really don’t. Quality is about the inherent characteristics of an item or idea. But instead of assessing these characteristics we tend to describe quality in terms of how the item makes us feel…
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 10: Connectedness
In these divisive times I hope you find this episode compelling. If you already understand how connected *everything* is to everything else, please help spread the word. We are stardust We are golden We are billion year old carbon All repackaged generation after generation. Connected through molecules Connected through history….
KEW Episode 29: Gratitude
Gratitude is touted as being able to improve an array of human problems. Anger, depression, anxiety, dieting, and other stressful issues have decreased in people who practice out being grateful with some regularity. Psychologists, neurologists, and therapists suggest being grateful as part of any self-improvement plan. But what is it…
Preview KEW Episode 29: Gratitude
We are berated with messages telling us that Gratitude, like Meditation, is an excellent antidote to whatever ails us. While I’m not hear to preach, I describe my recent adventure down the path of gratitude in this Episode. Turns out, besides making you just feel better, practicing gratitude has a…
FLASHBACK KEW Episode 9: Old Beliefs
Good time to revisit this Episode. For me, anyway because I’m constantly stalking old beliefs to try and change them. Old Beliefs are what you think is you. They’re the program running in the background of you ‘mind’. They’re the Matrix. But I’m here to tell you that the Old…
KEW Episode 28: Doubt
Doubt is tricky. A little bit is a good things. Too many of us think we’re right all the time – and that simply can’t be true. A little bit of doubt is healthy and says, ‘hey, i may be wrong here’. Admitting you may be wrong, and doubting your…
Preview KEW Episode 28: Doubt
This week I discuss something I wrestle with daily: Doubt. Particularly Self-Doubt. I used to fancy myself a “Cartesian” thinker. Meaning, like Descartes, I would doubt things to be true until I could not longer find evidence of their falseness and therefore accept them as true. Sort of like Descartes’,…