Most of us have some kind of addiction. Whether it’s something as benign as Diet Coke, or as life threatening as heroin, we can relate to the pull of being addicted to something. Much of what we talk about addiction is related to the biological or physiological nature. Here I…
Preview Episode 19: Addiction
I think everyone is addicted to something. Some of us are lucky and we’re addicted to something that probably won’t kill us. Like Diet soda. Some have real problems with life threatening addictions like fentanyl or heroin. Some people are addicted to working or even sex. Whatever your addiction I…
KEW Episode 18: Dream Bigger
Our fear of the future leads us to discourage the next generation from Dreaming Big. But, big dreams are the key to positive change. Sure, not all dreams come true, but I argue we should remember to Dream Big. Full podcast via your favorite provider, or here: Youtube video…
Flashback to Episode 1: Facts
In my first ever post I discuss Facts, Ideas, and Opinions. It’s important to know the difference. In the day of alternate facts, fake news, and seemingly infinite opinions it’s critical to be aware of all the misinformation out there. More critical is being able to discern reality and get…
KEW Episode 17: S.U.C.K. in the U.S.A.
I know, the title may be a little harsh. And don’t tell me to move. I don’t really think the USA sucks in its’ entirety. But there are elements of my home country that seem to be changing. But, of course, I’m also changing. It’s hard to tease apart what…
Preview Episode 17: S.U.C.K. in the U.S.A.
I mean not really, but kinda. The USA is in a weird place. Or is it just me? It’s hard to tease apart who is changing more, myself or my country. Full Episode tomorrow right here. Preview link:
KEW Episode 16: Who Tells Your Story?
Eliza Schuyler finally tells her husband’s story in Lin Manuel Miranda’s “Hamilton”. But we’ll never really know Hamilton’s story, because he isn’t around to tell it. And, really, did he even know his story? Do you know yours? Here I argue that it is an important goal of human life…
Preview Episode 16: Who Tells Your Story?
Who are you? It’s a basic question that many of us ask. In “Hamilton”, Eliza Schuyler finally tells Hamilton’s story to the world. Who will tell your story? More importantly, will you even know your story? Because, really, if someone else tells it, your story will be through their lens….
Upcoming KEW Episode 16: Who Tells Your Story?
My family loves “Hamilton” by Lin Manuel Miranda. We love the story. We love the songs. We love the fact that if all education was presented like this everyone would learn more. Sure, we don’t like the fact that history is HIS STORY, and that most, if not all, of…
KEW Episode 15: Rat Racer
Are you a Rat Racer? You know, someone who wholeheartedly embraces the rat race? We’re all born having made unconscious agreements to run the race to get good grades, get a good job, make a lot of money, marry the right person, etc., etc. but do we every really stop…