The great Lily Tomlin is credited with saying, “Even if you win the Rat Race, you’re still a rat”. This phrase has been with me since I saw her on the Carol Burnett show in the 70s. I was young, but I got it. For some reason I’ve always rejected…
KEW Episode 14: What Can We Learn from COVID?
COVID sucks. No doubt. But often discomfort is our best teacher and there is always something to learn from suffering. In the case of COVID we are being forced to reexamine how we shop, travel, work, and educate. We have focused hard on our needs and had to let slip…
Preview Episode 14: What Can We Learn from COVID?
Short video preview posted to facebook, twitter, and instagram (links below). This week I share my thoughts about the potentially positive influence of the current pandemic as an opportunity to reevaluate our values and systems.
KEW Episode 13: Slavery
Here I argue that besides the common forms of slavery we are familiar with that all sorts of *slavery persist in human culture today. Gluttonous humans have just become sneakier at disguising it. (*there is probably a better term to describe the general concept of forced labor I discuss here,…
Preview Episode 13: Slavery
coming this Friday, posted right here with podcast audio and youtube video
KEW Episode 12: Fear
We all have fears about a lot of different things. Some are benign and don’t really affect our daily lives. Like a fear of spiders. Yeah, we freak out when we see one but most people don’t worry every time they put their shoes on that a black widow will…
KEW Episode 12: Fear Coming Friday (preview link)
Fear literally cripples us. It gets in the way of doing ‘fun stuff’. It reduces our life experiences. Let’s face it, it is an ultimate cause of MANY of our struggles in life. In this episode I share my fears and discuss ways I’ve tried to live with it and…
KEW Episode 11: Analysis Paralysis
You definitely know about this one. So many choices when making a decision that you get overwhelmed. So overwhelmed, sometimes, that you can’t even MAKE the decision and end up stuck; paralyzed. Mostly, I think, it’s fear that keeps us stuck. Kind of like the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)….
KEW Episode 10: Connectedness
We are all connected. To everything. To each other. To trees. To arsenic. To seemingly brainless, boneless mollusks. Whether we get that or not is critical to our place on earth. In this episode I share several lines of evidence I’ve learned in my life that support this theory. Feel…
Preview Episode 10: Connectedness coming Friday June, 26
We ARE ALL connected. Whether you believe it or not. Today more than ever it is critical we move toward understanding that ‘fact’. Here I present multiple lines of evidence explaining why I believe all things are connected including a story about me talking to a cuttlefish. We are more…