We are all connected. To everything. To each other. To trees. To arsenic. To seemingly brainless, boneless mollusks. Whether we get that or not is critical to our place on earth. In this episode I share several lines of evidence I’ve learned in my life that support this theory. Feel…
Preview Episode 10: Connectedness coming Friday June, 26
We ARE ALL connected. Whether you believe it or not. Today more than ever it is critical we move toward understanding that ‘fact’. Here I present multiple lines of evidence explaining why I believe all things are connected including a story about me talking to a cuttlefish. We are more…
KEW Episode 9: Old Beliefs
You know these things. They’re opinions and ideas that you have, but don’t really know where they came from. They tend to repeat themselves and ultimately contribute to what we call personality. We didn’t really learn them in the classic way. No one told us X and Y. Really what…
Tomorrow! Episode 9: Old Beliefs
Have you ever found yourself reacting to a situation in almost a robotic, preprogrammed way and wondered why? I have learned that a lot of our reactions stem from childhood events where we learned a strategy to avoid discomfort or fear. Like when we learned to people please to avoid…
Episode 8: Goals, Accolades, and the Meaning of Life?
I struggle with getting praise for my accomplishments. Earning money, having a ‘good job’, winning trophies, making people like you, achieving, getting good grades – so much of life is tied to ‘chasing carrots’ to earn accolades. In my youth my accolades were mostly self-realized. I was such a loner…
Preview KEW Episode 8: Goals, Accolades, and the Meaning of Life? (Full Episode Friday)
I am fairly goal oriented and have chased accolades at various times in my life. I fell into the trap of ‘other praise’ in my academic career. Early on it was easy to achieve and have the world tell me I was ok. As a professor these accolades became rarer,…
KEW Episode 7: Maleness
I wanted to share my take on what it means to be male. From blue balls to machismo I call out a few outdated (IMHO) concepts and call on men to do better than some of us have in the past. I really don’t understand how some men have gotten…
KEW Episode 7 Preview: Maleness (posting this Friday)
Not masculinity, maleness. What is it like being male. For me, anyway. My observations of ’50s dads’ and ‘typical males’ and arguments for more equality in heterosexual (and possibly others, but I just don’t have that experience) relationships. My thoughts about being a male, our responsibilities to all genders, our…
KEW Episode 6: Competition
I’m not a big fan of competition. I’m talking specifically about two types of competition we hear about often The first type of competition is within the construct of capitalism. People are constantly referring to how competition ‘regulates markets’ and ‘prevents monopolies’. I guess in this economic sense competition is…
Preview Episode 6: Competition
Competition is supposed to be helpful in regulating markets to give the consumer the best value, price, and quality. Does it? It sure doesn’t seem like it to me. Here I suggest it’s up to US (like so many things) to regulate economies by purchasing quality items and not fall…