I am learning that our brain, mind, head, is not who we ARE. We are not the VOICE in our heads, we are the one LISTENING to the voice in our heads. What we call ‘our head’ is largely our analytical mind, and it’s just a part of the larger…
Tag: belief
Preview KEW Episode 50: Are vs. Should
In this ‘milestone’ Episode I’ll summarize a new direction for KEW. After 50 Episodes and 10 Curiosity interviews I have compiled, assessed, and researched most of the ideas, concepts, and thoughts swimming around in my head. I’ve discussed these ideas in real-time podcast format and learned a lot in the…
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 38: Faith and Trust
In this episode I moved closer to figuring out the basic set of issues one needs to address when seeking enlightenment, personal growth, self help, or similar human growth efforts. Along with identifying values, identifying beliefs (limiting and otherwise), and getting to know ‘who you are’ I think understand HOW…
FLASHBACK! Episode 24: Religion
I didn’t grow up with any religion. That may seem weird to you, or it may be completely normal. In the grand suite of people in the U.S.A., I think it’s less common NOT to grow up religious. I don’t know about other non-religious kids, but I always had a…
KEW Episode 38: Faith and Trust
Because I grew up without religion, I always thought faith was something you only had for religion things. Later I came to understand faith is something we have when we don’t have enough information. Or we don’t know the outcome, but we desire a certain outcome. Faith is believing. When…
Preview KEW Episode 38: Faith and Trust
I have been wondering a lot lately about trust and faith. I realized years ago that faith played a much bigger role in science than my academic colleagues were willing to admit. And I also struggle a bit with ‘trust issues’, both with respect to people and businesses. So, like…
KEW Episode 24: Religion
I grew up in a house without Religion. My parents never went to church and my only experiences with church or religion was attending weddings and funerals. As I grew older I sought a spiritual connection, maybe because I didn’t have religion in my life – I don’t know. I…