
Epilogue KEW. The ‘Last Episode’ for now.

In the most recent Episodes I shared the capstone of my work thus far on Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom. Episodes 99 and 100 represent the culmination of the preceding 98 Episodes and 30+ interviews. The Uniqueness Imperative and the Evolution Paradox emerged, organically, from two years of podcasting and blogging on KEW and I appreciate your help elucidating those ideas. For the past couple of weeks, (May – June, 2022) I decided to write…

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“The World Needs You To Become the Best ‘You’ Possible” KEW Episode 99: The Uniqueness Imperative

I kind of can’t believe the title of Episode 99, but this is the culmination of all the work so far including nearly 100 KEW Episodes and over 30 Interviews. Hopefully this body of work, thus far, has earned me a bit of credibility. Coupled with my PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and over a decade in multiple modalities of therapy, counseling, and coaching, I think I have some room to ‘weigh in’ on…

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“How Could I Be So Wrong While Being So Confident I Was Right?” KEW Episode 96: Type II Error

You know you do it. You think you are right about something, only to find out you were incredibly, undeniably, 180 degrees wrong. It happens. To all of us. To all of us humans, anyway. We all think we’re right. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t have conviction. We’d be open. We’d be undecided. Once we have made a decision, well, that decision is correct, correct? I mean, right? But not always. Many of us are…

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“Are you a winner or a loser?” Preview KEW Episode 95: Cooperation vs Competition

I don’t care much for competition. I grew up bullied by jocks. I never really liked team sports. I was a smart kid, but I didn’t like how the other smart kids competed with each other for grades. When I was learning mandolin, bluegrass musicians welcomed me with open arms. There was no competition among players like I observed in the rock and roll world. Competing always felt bad and not competing felt good. When…

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“All Things in Moderation, or Indulge Your Every Whim?” Preview KEW Episode 94: Homeostasis

Do you remember Homeostasis from high school biology? Probably not – but I bet you have a pretty good idea about what it means. Here’s what Webster-Mirriam says it means: : a relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group Of course, then, we have to define equilibrium also: 1 a: a state of intellectual or emotional balance : trying to…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 6: Competition

Often touted as the thing that regulates Capitalism and prevents monopolies (ummm, Amazon.com?). Often brings out the worst in people (ever get in a fight over Monopoly the board game?). Often said to teach our children how to play fair (but check out the parents on the sidelines!). As a retired Ecologist and Evolutionary Biologist, I learned about competition as the thing that creates new species. It’s sort of why or how the whole evolution…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Curiosity Interview Series 8: Bernhard Kutzler

I was so happy to meet Bernhard Kutzler. I told him we were kindred spirits because we were asking such similar questions. He agreed. He also agreed to interview with me to discuss Curiosity. My first thoughts about Bernhard were why no one else has heard of him. I still think about why some people become household names and others’ work is lost out in the world of cyberspace. The simple answer is marketing. But…

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KEW Episode 61: The Are vs Should Problem – Change is Hard, but Resisting Change is WRONG!

In the next few videos I focus on CHANGE. I have covered changing old beliefs, changing the way you think, changing your habits. But it wasn’t until Episode 47: Changing Behavior Changes Beliefs that I actually started to realize how critical CHANGE is. Change is the key. The main element. The obvious, yet hidden mechanism of life. One of my chief assumptions is that we we are vehicles for, or at least highly influenced by,…

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Preview KEW Episode 61: The Are vs Should Problem – Change is Hard, But Resisting Change is WRONG

This week I’ll continue to drive this point home. Change is a NATURAL element in all biological systems. Our very nature is dependent on and affected by constant and continuous change. The abiotic environment of the universe is constantly changing as matter and energy change forms. Luckily for us, we have DNA that facilitates adjustments to respond to these changes and life can persist through time. Understanding and dealing with the Are vs Should Problem…

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