I recently came upon a podcast by a fella named Nate Hagens. The podcast, and Nate’s piece de resistance is called The Great Simplification and his ideas center around the future of humans on Earth. The idea behind The Great Simplification is that humans will soon run out of energy…
Tag: ecology
The Flow-Based Neo Pseudo-Scientific Method Approach (Flow-Based Inquiry – KEW Episode 105)
The KEW Acid Tests ask how Nature can inform the big questions humans ask. “Why are we here?”, “Who am I?”, and “What is our purpose” have puzzled humans for years – perhaps millennia. In the past 4,000 years or so, we have employed philosophy, religion, and science as mechanisms…
KEW Episode 102: The Acid Test. Looking to Nature to Address Life’s Big Questions
I apologize that it has been nearly a month since my re-introduction post and Episode 101. I have been overwhelmed with thoughts, ideas, tangents, trailheads, and rabbit holes regarding this new direction for my blog/podcast/and YouTube channel. In this Episode, and over the next 4-5 I will start to unravel…
“Are you a winner or a loser?” Preview KEW Episode 95: Cooperation vs Competition
I don’t care much for competition. I grew up bullied by jocks. I never really liked team sports. I was a smart kid, but I didn’t like how the other smart kids competed with each other for grades. When I was learning mandolin, bluegrass musicians welcomed me with open arms….
“All Things in Moderation, or Indulge Your Every Whim?” Preview KEW Episode 94: Homeostasis
Do you remember Homeostasis from high school biology? Probably not – but I bet you have a pretty good idea about what it means. Here’s what Webster-Mirriam says it means: : a relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of…
It isn’t Capitalism, or Religion, or Politics. There’s Too Many People.
It’s a numbers game I can almost always explain an observation, conflict, dilemma, or issue, with the ‘too many people’ explanation. I have as many degrees in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology as one can get. I’m not bragging, just explaining my credentials for making the observation that the problems we…
KEW The Are vs Should Interview Series: Gretchen Winterkorn
If you are interested in therapy and coaching. Either for yourself, someone you love, or just because you think it’s cool. Gretchen Winterkorn is a wonderful person for you to meet, and you can check out her short video below. I am very lucky to see some cool people doing…
KEW Episode 71: Sustainability
From the dictionary: 1: able to be used without being completely used up or destroyed sustainable energy resources; a sustainable water supply 2: involving methods that do not completely use up or destroy natural resources sustainable agriculture/farming/techniques 3: able to last or continue for a long time sustainable development/growth Have you ever noticed the hustlers around you?…
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 39: The Growth Fallacy
“I meant no harm I most truly did not, but I had to grow bigger so bigger I got. I biggered my factory, I biggered my roads, I biggered the wagons, I biggered the loads, of the Thneeds I shipped out I was shipping them forth from the South, to…
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 35: Beyond Science
Science is important to me. Though I am a trained scientist and truly embrace the scientific method as a great way to go about answering questions, I think we treat science, the method, and scientISTS as if they were something special. We/They’re not. It is very important to me to…