This week I’ll continue to drive this point home. Change is a NATURAL element in all biological systems. Our very nature is dependent on and affected by constant and continuous change. The abiotic environment of the universe is constantly changing as matter and energy change forms. Luckily for us, we…
Tag: evolution
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 44: Unnatural Selection
“We went from modifying our behavior to suit the Earth, to modifying the Earth to suit our behavior” I’m sure I didn’t make that phrase up, but it does describe what I think is a critical flaw in human evolution. Starting maybe 12,000 years ago, we changed the way we…
KEW Episode 55: The Bully and your DNA: Part 2
In this second part of the Bully vs your DNA miniseries I describe the DNA part. I will make the argument here, which is a fundamental element of my future work on the Are vs Should Problem, that it is our birthright to express our DNA as fully as possible….
Preview KEW Episode 55: The Bully and your DNA: Part 2
In the second installment of this miniseries within the Are vs Should problem, I talk about the Are side of the equation. Whereas the Should part of us is an amalgamation of society’s worst elements, the Are part of us is uniquely US. I can’t wait for you to see…
KEW Episode 44: Unnatural Selection
I am currently working on a larger project that will connect my background in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology with personal growth, psychology, and finding more joy and fulfillment in our lives. In Episode 43 I introduce some evolutionary evidence that every individual human is born to discover their uniqueness (despite…
Preview KEW Episode 44: Unnatural Selection
In this episode I continue my larger project of explaining why humans are meant to realize their individual uniqueness. Here I explain what I call UN-natural selection, or the propensity for humans to deny their uniqueness and why this is something we most definitely should NOT be doing. Natural selection…
KEW Episode 43: Diversity and Uniqueness
As y’all may know, I have always felt a little different. Like an outsider. People in the 80s may have called me a ‘nonconformist’. But as an adult I have learned that many people feel this way, at least some of the time. And, like I say in Episode 20:…
FLASHBACK! Episode 12: Fear
Fear can be crippling, but it can also be helpful. Fear certainly got us through some tough evolutionary times. “no, don’t pet the big kitty, be afraid of it eating you.” Or something like that. Nowadays though, we’re afraid of everything. Failure. Looking bad. Getting made fun of. Making mistakes….
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 10: Connectedness
In these divisive times I hope you find this episode compelling. If you already understand how connected *everything* is to everything else, please help spread the word. We are stardust We are golden We are billion year old carbon All repackaged generation after generation. Connected through molecules Connected through history….
FLASHBACK! to KEW Episode 6: Competition
Often I think competition brings out the worst in people. In ecology, natural selection can be thought of as a solution to competition and the problems it creates. In fact, competition is the mechanism that, when avoided, leads to speciation and biodiversity. In sports and economics competition is often viewed…