
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 8: Goals, Accolades, and the Meaning of Life

If you’re a parent you know that parenting is a thankless job. When I interviewed Pat Schulte, we talked about how the lack of accolades can be a problem for remote workers (BTW, you should go listen to that interview now. Pat is amazing.) And, more generally, it is these accolades and rewards we end up building our entire lives around. Let’s take just one reward: money. Jobs and making money are important, yes. To…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 18: Dream Bigger

I recorded this episode based on a story someone once related to me about her post high school goals being ‘restricted’ by her family and cultural traditions. In other words, people ‘like her’ didn’t do certain things, or more accurately, could only do certain things. There were only so many career choices, or partner choices, or even the kinds of cars she could drive. Like many things I simultaneously appreciate and despise this notion. On…

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Episode 8: Goals, Accolades, and the Meaning of Life?

I struggle with getting praise for my accomplishments. Earning money, having a ‘good job’, winning trophies, making people like you, achieving, getting good grades – so much of life is tied to ‘chasing carrots’ to earn accolades. In my youth my accolades were mostly self-realized. I was such a loner I had to learn to praise myself and realize my own accomplishments. These achievements were measured in things like satisfaction and happiness. But somewhere along…

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