
Is Punctuated Equilibrium a Good Way to Change the World?

It’s monolithic Have you seen (or read) “2001: A Space Odyssey”? This joint effort by Stanley Kubrick and Author C. Clarke blew minds when it came out in 1968. And it still does, today. Some people complained that the story was too slow, but I think it is amazing that there is no dialogue for the first 18 minutes of the movie. Anyway, the story opens at the time of early humans. Folks are going about their…

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Can We Stop Enabling?

“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.” ― Charles Bukowski Do you ever think about this? Can you think of an example from your life? Sometimes, it seems we’re surrounded by idiots.  And they’re loud. This ‘false arrogance’ is annoying. But what’s more annoying is that we introverts and neurodivergents are often so under-confident that we are never heard.  What is even worse…

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What Freedom Means to Me

The fourth of July makes me ashamed. I’m ashamed of myself because I can’t seem to match the patriotism that surrounds me. In the USA, people get almost spiritual about their fireworks, hot dogs, and freedom worship. Behind all of this, for me, is a whole lot of weirdness. The whole Independence thing is fine. We fled a plutocratic government to have the ‘freedom’ to worship any god we wanted only to find ourselves in…

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Are all Leaders Narcissists? (KEW Episode 124)

The words ‘leader’ and ‘narcissist’ bug me. I think these two words are overused. I also don’t think we really know what they mean anymore. Maybe we never did. Maybe the words have been usurped by the very people defined by them. Let’s start with leadership. What is this, exactly? If you look on LinkedIn (which I did, then I quit) you will see ‘leadership’ as being a top-tier achievement. The word is thrown around…

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KEW Episode 58: Fix the Broken System

In this episode I cover two main points: Millions of people have no interest in the Are vs Should Problem because they can’t meet their basic human needs for things like food, clean water, and safe shelter. These problems can only be fixed if we live more in the Are and less in the Should. There are no two ways about it, I believe that we need to be more Are, and less Should. I…

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Preview KEW Episode 58: Fix the Broken System

Twenty years of training and working as an Ecologist and Evolutionary Biologist means I see everything as a system of interacting parts. I really can’t see the trees for the forest. When I look at a part, I see the system to which it belongs. It’s a curse. An example is when I worked for a state environmental agency. I absolutely needed my manager to explain to me how my position fit in to the…

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KEW Episode 39: The Growth Fallacy

With respect to economics, people often say that you have to grow to stay in business. I heard this a lot when I tried to run my business at a static level of production (i.e., no growth). I found that we actually HAD MORE MONEY left over when we controlled expenses and held production at the level of demand. I discovered that we spent so much money on growth that we were more profitable when…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 17: S.U.C.K. in the U.S.A.

In this Episode I discussed what I think is ‘wrong’ with living in the US as of late 2020. This isn’t a rant against political parties or an attempt to argue for a particular political position. Rather, I question some of the basic beliefs we have about how our ‘system’ works. Why do we make the decisions we make? Why do we accept that ‘government is inefficient’ or that ‘capitalism is the best economic system’?…

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