Does this bother you? You interact with someone at their job, maybe getting a coffee or something. The server is rude, obnoxious, entitled, and unhelpful. Maybe they’re even condescending toward you. You may or may not say anything, but, hey, you want your coffee. Maybe you think about it later,…
Tag: Philosophy
Preview KEW Episode 68: Accountability
Accountability: : the quality or state of being accountable especially : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions So, yeah, that first one’s lame because it references a definition with at least 7 meanings. The especially part gets pretty close, though. How do you feel about accountability? Personally,…
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 49: Who Are You?
Who Are You? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Have you ever wondered about the ‘big things’? Do you believe Socrates was right when he said, ‘an unexamined life is not worth living?’. If this is you, read on. And please visit the rest of my posts, podcasts, and…
KEW Episode 67: Authenticity
Definition of authentic (Taken from Merriam-Webster) 1 a: worthy of acceptance or belief as conforming to or based on fact paints an authentic picture of our society b: conforming to an original so as to reproduce essential features an authentic reproduction of a colonial farmhouse c: made or done the same way as an original authentic Mexican fare 2: not false or imitation: REAL, ACTUALan authentic cockney…
Preview KEW Episode 67: Authenticity
To be real. To be yourself. To be congruent. To have integrity. Lots of definitions and we all think we know what it means. And, to some degree, we probably do. To be authentic generally means to not lie to the world. To not wear a mask, or pretend to…
Preview KEW Episode 66: Clarity
To compensate for the complexity (and length) of last weeks’ Episode title (Episode 65) I am coming out small this week. Clarity. Simple enough, right? But is it? Do we ever really get clarity? Or, is clarity a regular part of our lives, or are we more often stuck in…
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 48: Unlearning
Many KEW episodes and posts refer to things I learned in the past that maybe don’t help us any more, are outdated, or were simply wrong to begin with. From thinking Competition actually regulates our markets (Episode 6), wondering how Old Beliefs (Episode 9) hold us back, to the idea…
KEW Episode 65: How Do We Know if We Really Know What We Think We Know?
To some, this is a ridiculous question steeped in pointless naval gazing. To others, it’s a comedic take on people who ask the ‘big questions’. To others this is a reasonable assessment of what we want to understand. To me, it’s all three at the same time. And maybe that’s…
Preview KEW Episode 65: How Do We Know if We Really Know What We Think We Know?
I’m not sure where I heard this phrase but I always thought it had a nice balance of being both funny and thought provoking. Like, many a truth comes out in jest. It sounds like I’m kidding, but this is a serious question. How do we ever ‘know’ anything? Go…
KEW Episode 64: The Forest for the Trees
I’m using the Forest for the Trees metaphor to suggest that humans have become exceptionally myopic. The only reason I know what myopic means is because after defending my Master’s Thesis a professor proclaimed that I was very myopic – meaning I had a terribly narrow view of the question…