Are you an analytical person? Do you think science is a good way of answering questions? Do you also believe there are things science CAN’T answer? Do you struggle from a mix of pragmatic and spiritual beliefs? Do you consider yourself to be pretty smart? Do you have a strong…
Tag: Science
Preview KEW Episode 78: Assumptions and Core Principles
As we figure out exactly what is happening at KEW, which is mostly coming up with workable strategies to help analytical, empathic, and intelligent folks live calmer and more relaxed lives, it’s necessary to state our assumptions and identifying elements. In any good scientific endeavor (and this ISN’T science, but…
KEW Article: Personal Responsibility, Consensus, and Faith in Science
For it to work we have to work together Scientific evidence directs acceptance or rejection of hypotheses. At the experimental level, this requires evidence. At the societal level, this requires faith.
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 52: Hard and Soft Realities / The Are vs. Should Prob
Thinking about the person you ARE and the person you feel like you SHOULD BE can be confusing. I think we mostly know when we are doing something that fits with our ‘core values’, but sometimes we don’t. Have you ever wondered what your motivation is in a certain situation?…
FLASHBACK! KEW Curiosity Interview Series 3: DJ Doran
DJ Doran is a leader in the LGBTQ community. He’s a publisher and leader. He is retired from the military and can fly planes. He has lived aboard a sailboat. He’s pretty amazing. More than anything, DJ drives home one of the most important messages a person can hear: You…
KEW Episode 55: The Bully and your DNA: Part 2
In this second part of the Bully vs your DNA miniseries I describe the DNA part. I will make the argument here, which is a fundamental element of my future work on the Are vs Should Problem, that it is our birthright to express our DNA as fully as possible….
Preview KEW Episode 55: The Bully and your DNA: Part 2
In the second installment of this miniseries within the Are vs Should problem, I talk about the Are side of the equation. Whereas the Should part of us is an amalgamation of society’s worst elements, the Are part of us is uniquely US. I can’t wait for you to see…
KEW Episode 52: ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft’ Realities
As we pursue the “Are vs. Should Problem” and examine our personal inventory, I want to describe two main ways we can understand our selves and the realities we live in. First, there is the measurable world. The ‘Hard’ world where science reigns supreme. Things are measurable, quantifiable, and therefore…
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 38: Faith and Trust
In this episode I moved closer to figuring out the basic set of issues one needs to address when seeking enlightenment, personal growth, self help, or similar human growth efforts. Along with identifying values, identifying beliefs (limiting and otherwise), and getting to know ‘who you are’ I think understand HOW…
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 35: Beyond Science
Science is important to me. Though I am a trained scientist and truly embrace the scientific method as a great way to go about answering questions, I think we treat science, the method, and scientISTS as if they were something special. We/They’re not. It is very important to me to…