
Systems Thinking ( KEW Episode 122)

While this is not a definitive treatise on Systems Thinking, I wanted to talk a bit about this topic as it is relevant to many of my posts. People tell me that out-of-the-box thinking is atypical. Most people seem to think of the world in simplified, or at least minimized relationships. For example, you might think your job sucks. When thinking about how to change that or do something about it, you might think about…

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Preview KEW Episode 51: Personal Inventory

The concept of a personal inventory is common to many therapy, personal growth, and coaching approaches. Essentially, before you can implement a change, you have to know WHAT you’re changing. So the personal inventory is all your STUFF. Your WANTS. Your NEEDS. Your LIKES. Your DISLIKES. Your VALUES (see Episode 46). Your FAMILY. And so on. You get the picture. But what many of us DON’T GET is how complex this can be. We are…

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