
KEW Episode 54: The Bully and your DNA: Part 1

Last week I introduced a few examples of the Are vs. Should problem. One of the most obvious examples comes up when we think about our careers. When we’re young people ask us what we want to be when we grow up. As adults, many of us wonder what became of those childhood dreams when we find ourselves doing jobs we don’t like. And I’ll argue it’s because we listen more to our Shoulds than…

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FLASHBACK! to KEW Episode 6: Competition

Often I think competition brings out the worst in people. In ecology, natural selection can be thought of as a solution to competition and the problems it creates. In fact, competition is the mechanism that, when avoided, leads to speciation and biodiversity. In sports and economics competition is often viewed as fun or even critical. Here I argue that competition is important, but can be taken too far; to the point where it can negatively…

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