
FLASHBACK! to KEW Episode 6: Competition

Often I think competition brings out the worst in people. In ecology, natural selection can be thought of as a solution to competition and the problems it creates. In fact, competition is the mechanism that, when avoided, leads to speciation and biodiversity. In sports and economics competition is often viewed as fun or even critical. Here I argue that competition is important, but can be taken too far; to the point where it can negatively…

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Episode 8: Goals, Accolades, and the Meaning of Life?

I struggle with getting praise for my accomplishments. Earning money, having a ‘good job’, winning trophies, making people like you, achieving, getting good grades – so much of life is tied to ‘chasing carrots’ to earn accolades. In my youth my accolades were mostly self-realized. I was such a loner I had to learn to praise myself and realize my own accomplishments. These achievements were measured in things like satisfaction and happiness. But somewhere along…

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