
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 21: We All Feel Different (But We’re All the Same)

In this Episode I tried to capture the feeling we all have sometimes that we don’t belong. Some of us feel this way most all the time, others just every once in awhile. You may have experienced it as ‘Imposter Syndrome’, when you get a new job or join a team and feel like everyone else is better than you. You may just feel misunderstood, or that the people around you just don’t ‘get you’.…

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FLASHBACK! Episode 12: Fear

Fear can be crippling, but it can also be helpful. Fear certainly got us through some tough evolutionary times. “no, don’t pet the big kitty, be afraid of it eating you.” Or something like that. Nowadays though, we’re afraid of everything. Failure. Looking bad. Getting made fun of. Making mistakes. Pretty sure our ancestors didn’t intend for us to live in a fearful state of what people might think about us. I don’t think natural…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 11: Analysis Paralysis

The need to make the ‘correct’ decision in any situation can literally paralyze us into not making any decision at all. It could be ‘needing a minute’ at the restaurant because you can’t decide what to eat, or whether you should quit your job to pursue an acting career. Both decisions are driven by so much pressure, stress, and societal input that it’s hard to find ourselves. So we analyze. Instead of committing to something…

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FLASHBACK KEW Episode 9: Old Beliefs

Good time to revisit this Episode. For me, anyway because I’m constantly stalking old beliefs to try and change them. Old Beliefs are what you think is you. They’re the program running in the background of you ‘mind’. They’re the Matrix. But I’m here to tell you that the Old Beliefs are NOT YOU. I think true mastery of the human condition involves rewriting your Old Beliefs so you can live New ones. But first,…

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KEW Episode 12: Fear

We all have fears about a lot of different things. Some are benign and don’t really affect our daily lives. Like a fear of spiders. Yeah, we freak out when we see one but most people don’t worry every time they put their shoes on that a black widow will bite them. Other fears can be absolutely crippling, like the fear of public places rendering some folks to never leave their houses. Fear is also…

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