
The Agony of the Gifted Child

A late identified neurodivergent perspective. Have you seen this Far Side comic by Gary Larson? It’s near-ubiquitous in my memory. Just the other day I thought of it again. But this time I remembered it through the awareness of my neurodivergence. Like many of us, I was placed into the US public school gifted program early but was later considered an underachiever who didn’t want to work. From the start being in the gifted program was…

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KEW Episode 40: Get Out of Your Head!

Figures like the one below have been shared many times from many sources. The point is that we, as humans, are comprised of three key components; Head, Heart, and Gut that interact to make up a whole person. When these parts are out of synch, we experience cognitive dissonance, the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change. A simpler explanation is just to say we…

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Preview KEW Episode 40: Get Out of Your Head!

I realized recently that I have spent nearly ten years in therapy. And it was pointed out to me by upcoming interviewee, Mandy Napier (The Mindset Alchemist) that this is too long to have not made much progress. In my defense, I have made A LOT of progress intellectually. But intellectual understanding hasn’t facilitated major changes in my beliefs, habits, and feelings. Mandy, as well as Neil Bjorklund, pointed out to me that my brain…

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