
Learning About Where We Goofed Up

What went right? Do you ever wonder how we got here? Do you ever think about what has changed over hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution? The past few decades have seen exponential growth in technology. Smartphones. Passenger trips to space. Electric vehicles. Lots of crazy new tech. In most of our lifetimes, technological advances have dominated the changes we experience. Science changed the world. Medical advances like germ theory and surgical techniques have…

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How to Fix What is Broken KEW Episode 116

What’s the point? Of any of it? For me, it is the unrest that comes from acknowledging what is wrong in the world. Poverty. War. Violent crime. Social justice issues. Inequality. Racism. Choose your weapon. It isn’t hard to see problems in the world. My point is not to point them out, but to try and posit solutions. Or pathways to solutions. Because I’m sick and tired of armchair, short-term, quick-fix ‘solutions’ sold by various…

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KEW Acid Test: Nature Cooperates to Reduce Competition (Episode 109)

I really dislike Competition. And it is a touchy subject. In an article I published on Medium, I received several hateful comments defending the importance of competition in business and sports. In KEW Episode 95 I discuss Rugged Individualism vs. Unified Connection to make the point that competition focuses on isolation rather than community. I talk about this topic a lot. And it is important for me to revisit this in the spirit of the…

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Preview KEW Episode 68: Accountability

Accountability: : the quality or state of being accountable especially  : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions So, yeah, that first one’s lame because it references a definition with at least 7 meanings. The especially part gets pretty close, though. How do you feel about accountability? Personally, I’m a huge fan. In fact, I will go so far as to say one of my main complaints about the world is that people…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Curiosity Interview Series 10: Chris Burcher

To close out the 10-part Curiosity interview series, the first on KEW, I reflect on the 9 interesting people I got to talk to. I asked everyone what role Curiosity had played in their lives and how it helped get them to where they are today. I am grateful and amazed that these folks would spend some time with us. I know some people want to promote, but everyone had something unique to say about…

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KEW Episode 66: Clarity

Remember that time when everything seemed perfectly clear? Yeah, me neither. But once in awhile things DO seem clear. And it feels good. There’s no doubt (Episode 28) and things just make sense. Though these moments are fleeting, I think we can learn to maximize the amount of clarity we see in our lives. And by clarity I mean more the ABSENCE of stuff rather than the PRESENCE of something. Clarity, to me, is really…

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