
Making a Good Life

The unexamined life is not worth living — Socrates Do you ever think about this quote? There are probably plenty of people who disagree with Socrates, but I, for one, do not.  It seems natural, even innate, to want to make the most of one’s life. To have a good life seems to require examination. Examining one’s life, growing, and continuing to be aware is part of our purpose. The purpose of life has two branches. The…

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How to Fix What is Broken KEW Episode 116

What’s the point? Of any of it? For me, it is the unrest that comes from acknowledging what is wrong in the world. Poverty. War. Violent crime. Social justice issues. Inequality. Racism. Choose your weapon. It isn’t hard to see problems in the world. My point is not to point them out, but to try and posit solutions. Or pathways to solutions. Because I’m sick and tired of armchair, short-term, quick-fix ‘solutions’ sold by various…

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KEW Episode 58: Fix the Broken System

In this episode I cover two main points: Millions of people have no interest in the Are vs Should Problem because they can’t meet their basic human needs for things like food, clean water, and safe shelter. These problems can only be fixed if we live more in the Are and less in the Should. There are no two ways about it, I believe that we need to be more Are, and less Should. I…

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Preview KEW Episode 58: Fix the Broken System

Twenty years of training and working as an Ecologist and Evolutionary Biologist means I see everything as a system of interacting parts. I really can’t see the trees for the forest. When I look at a part, I see the system to which it belongs. It’s a curse. An example is when I worked for a state environmental agency. I absolutely needed my manager to explain to me how my position fit in to the…

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KEW Episode 24: Religion

I grew up in a house without Religion. My parents never went to church and my only experiences with church or religion was attending weddings and funerals. As I grew older I sought a spiritual connection, maybe because I didn’t have religion in my life – I don’t know. I found spirituality in philosophy and ecology. I also grew to appreciate native spirituality from cultures that pre-date christianity. In short, I’ve pieced together my ‘religion’…

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