Are you a technologist? Do you think tech is going to solve all of our human problems? Do you see science, health advances, nuclear tech or some other human invention as being our salvation? Maybe you don’t even see problems around us. I find it hard to believe that everyone,…
Tag: darwin
KEW Acid Test: Nature Cooperates to Reduce Competition (Episode 109)
I really dislike Competition. And it is a touchy subject. In an article I published on Medium, I received several hateful comments defending the importance of competition in business and sports. In KEW Episode 95 I discuss Rugged Individualism vs. Unified Connection to make the point that competition focuses on…
KEW Acid Tests Questions. What Do We Want to Know?
Who Am I? Why Are We Here? What is My Purpose? Are We Living ‘Right’? Questions like this – the ‘big questions’ have been around since antiquity. It’s fun to think about when our brains reached a point in evolution where we started having luxury time. Because it’s a luxury…
KEW The Acid Test Assumptions. Using DNA and Nature to Advise the Big Questions (Episode 106)
Before embarking on an investigation any researcher worth their salt will state their assumptions. This lays the groundwork for what is to come and allows the reader to contextualize the investigation. In regular science, this is often ignored. It’s a shame we seem to be losing this important piece of…
KEW The Acid Test: The Problem and The Questions (Episode 104)
What is the question!!!???? Say you are studying the effectiveness of a vaccine against some pathogen. What is the question? Too many times we get wrapped up in the specifics. The details. The minutia. We forget WHY we are doing this in the first place. In this case, I would…
KEW Episode 103: Human Pros and Cons. We’re not as ‘evolved’ as we think.
As we conduct the great KEW acid tests I have to establish a baseline. In this episode I want to touch on a few elements of the ‘human personality’ and our ‘global value system’ that I think we can improve on. I think humans are great, but there are a…
KEW Episode 102: The Acid Test. Looking to Nature to Address Life’s Big Questions
I apologize that it has been nearly a month since my re-introduction post and Episode 101. I have been overwhelmed with thoughts, ideas, tangents, trailheads, and rabbit holes regarding this new direction for my blog/podcast/and YouTube channel. In this Episode, and over the next 4-5 I will start to unravel…
“Life is Supposed to Change; It’s Up To You” KEW Episode 100: The Evolution Paradox
Everything about our ‘biological-ness’ is related to change. The developmental stages are all changes. We all grow bigger through life. We go through a brief period of fast growth, then switch over to a period of reproduction. These things are true for all life forms. We share, with ALL biology,…
“The One Thing You Can Bet on is that Things Will Change” Preview KEW Episode 100: The Evolution Paradox
Do you believe in Evolution? What if I told you that all Evolution says is that ‘things change’? Can you argue with that? Kind of hard to argue. Because things change. Not much is true or guaranteed in life. See my first Episode on Facts for a thorough analysis of…
“The World Needs You To Become the Best ‘You’ Possible” KEW Episode 99: The Uniqueness Imperative
I kind of can’t believe the title of Episode 99, but this is the culmination of all the work so far including nearly 100 KEW Episodes and over 30 Interviews. Hopefully this body of work, thus far, has earned me a bit of credibility. Coupled with my PhD in Ecology…