
Is This a Testable Personal Growth Hypothesis?

Does science play a role in your life?  Do you value hard data and evidence? Do you think humans are good at proving things? Or maybe you defer to religion or culture to decide what is real? I talk a lot about how science is over or undervalued. Some folks think science proves reality. Others think scientists are full of crap. Regardless of how you feel about science, the scientific method is regarded as one of…

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Bravery and the Meaning of Life (KEW Episode 127)

I spent most of my pre-teen and teenage years terrified of people. I was very shy. I stayed at home on Friday and Saturday nights while I was in high school. And don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed my time. I played a lot of video games on my Commodore 64 computer. I learned to play guitar. I read cool books like the Carlos Castaneda series. I enjoyed my life. But I didn’t interact with…

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Nature Knows Best (Episode 123)

For the past twenty-some Episodes, I have been trying to figure out how to formulate my current question of interest. Generally, I am trying to make the case that Nature provides a wealth of information. Further, I am pleading with humankind to CONSULT nature when making decisions. Especially decisions that affect our species’ or planets’ health. I have used evolution and natural selection (with DNA being the mechanism) as filters, of sorts, that approve or…

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“High Achievers Use Bell Curves to Get Ahead of The Pack” Preview KEW Episode 98: The Normal Curve

You hated statistics, right? And probably didn’t care too much about math? That’s how most people are, anyway. I didn’t really see the point in learning much of the numbers stuff, until I needed the knowledge. Household budgeting, running a business, and understanding what other people are trying to say are just three reasons to understand math and mathematical relationships. This Episode is an example. The normal, or ‘bell’ curve, or normal distribution, is a…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 56: Domestication

Have you read anything by Don Miguel Ruiz? His most famous book is, ‘The Four Agreements: The Practical Guide to Personal Freedom‘, but he has several more. And both of his sons, Don Miguel, Jr. and Don Jose Ruiz have multiple books about Toltec wisdom. Don Miguel just released a new book, ‘The Mastery of Life: A Toltec Guide to Personal Freedom‘ and it is incredible. These guys Toltec ‘men of knowledge’ from a long…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 47: Changing Behavior Changes Beliefs

For years I was stuck trying to THINK my way into changing my behaviors, beliefs, habits, actions. Not that I was all that bad or needed massive changes, but there were things I wanted to be different. I would get anxious a lot. I would get defensive sometimes. I would say no to social invitations. I would be afraid to try some new things. You know, just some things I wanted to change. So, I…

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KEW Episode 55: The Bully and your DNA: Part 2

In this second part of the Bully vs your DNA miniseries I describe the DNA part. I will make the argument here, which is a fundamental element of my future work on the Are vs Should Problem, that it is our birthright to express our DNA as fully as possible. I hope you enjoy. For many years I have heard things like, ‘Follow your passion!’ or, ‘if you do what you love you’ll never work…

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KEW Curiosity Interview Series 9: Marcas Hemmila

Marcas Hemmila has lived a pretty full life. He was a leader in the military. He trained for the Mr. Universe competition series. He is/was a computer programmer in the fast paced IT world. And now, he aims to help us discover and ignite our lives. The thing that struck me about Marcas was his authenticity. It’s like I tell him in the video, he has a cool combination of vulnerability and ‘I think this…

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KEW Curiosity Interview Series 8: Bernhard Kutzler

It is my pleasure to introduce you to Bernhard Kutzler (www.bernhardkutzler/en/). After a lifelong career in mathematics, Bernhard went off the grid in a very huge way. He spent nearly 3.5 years in total isolation: away from his phone, tv, people, and all interactions. He forced himself to face his mind in an effort to ask the ‘big questions’ about being human. Who am I? Why are we here? What is consciousness? Why do I…

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Preview KEW Curiosity Interview Series 8: Bernhard Kutzler

Bernhard Kutzler (www.bernhardkutzler.com/en) has figured stuff out. And it’s no wonder because he spent 3.5 years trying. During this time he isolated himself from all outside influences so that he could figure out the meaning of life. I’m not kidding. If nothing else, someone who has sacrificed so much of his life to ponder life’s biggest questions deserves our attention. Can you imagine? I can see myself doing a ten day silent meditation retreat, but…

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