What are your thoughts on meditation? Do you think it’s some hokey mumbo-jumbo? Do you think it’s too hard to find time but that there may be something to it? Are you a regular cushion-sitter? As a human, you’re likely to fall in there somewhere. And if you are reading,…
Tag: meditation
KEW Episode 79: Less Struggle, More Calm
Have you ever really thought about what you want? I mean really sat down and asked yourself what you would change if you could? Maybe you said you want more money. Less time at work. More time with family. Longer vacations. A bigger house, better car, or fancier smartphone. If…
Preview KEW Episode 59: Are vs Should Challenges
In this Episode I want to take a minute and acknowledge a few things. First, that not everyone has the luxury of pondering the Are vs. Should Problem. In even bringing it up I am letting my white privilege show. I grew up with enough food, enough safety, enough clean…
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 29: Gratitude
After reading James Clears’ ‘Atomic Habits’, I wanted to try and add a new habit and get rid of an ‘bad’ one. Reading the book inspired me to apply Clears’ teachings and I knew I needed to choose some easy habits, or low hanging fruit, if you will. I had…
Kew Episode 42: Safety
Recently I discovered, or I guess RE-discovered, my 13 year old self around the time I moved from Georgia to Ohio. I figured this was an important time in my life and have always wondered how it might have affected me. By exploring my feelings and thoughts, from my heart…
KEW Curiosity Series Interview 2: Mandy Napier
Mandy Napier resides in Australia where she shares her thirteen years of experience as the ‘mindset alchemist’, a high performance mindset and executive coach (and via zoom, obviously). She has represented Australia in the international Iron Man competition in Hawaii. After being forced to give up her sport, she focused…
KEW Episode 40: Get Out of Your Head!
Figures like the one below have been shared many times from many sources. The point is that we, as humans, are comprised of three key components; Head, Heart, and Gut that interact to make up a whole person. When these parts are out of synch, we experience cognitive dissonance, the…
Flashback to Episode 4: Quiet vs Distraction
In KEW Episode 4 I discuss how hard it is for us to be quiet despite how important mindfulness and meditation are in our lives. We are so easily distracted. For example, I can hardly control my smartphone use and constantly use it as a distraction from being bored. At…