
Preview KEW Curiosity Interview Series 9: Marcas Hemmila

Marcas Hemmila is on a mission to help you grow, get unstuck, and ignite a fire in your life. His background is super interesting as he has been in the military and was a computer programmer, but is now spreading hope and help across the internet. So he brings with him a cool combination of leadership, a scientific mind, and a genetic predisposition to help people. He is putting out incredible content daily on tiktok,…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 34: Self

Many people try to define and argue about what a ‘self’ is, or even whether or not we have one. I’m not too worried about getting it right, but I do think it’s worthwhile to ponder the concept of self. Basically, it’s a ‘Who Am I’ question, or part of that thought process. Some people spend a lot of time on that question, others don’t understand why anyone would waste their time asking it. I…

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KEW Episode 47: Changing Behavior Changes Beliefs

Beliefs are things we see as truisms in our lives and regulate the decisions we make. In Episode 9 I talked about Old Beliefs. These are beliefs we learned as kids that protected us in some way, but no longer serve their purpose in our adult lives. The problem is, the old beliefs have been habituated and we continue to implement them. Many of us become aware of our old or limiting beliefs in adulthood.…

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KEW Episode 46: Values

In just about any kind of self help endeavor you will be asked to identify your values. While this sounds pretty easy, the process is far from simple. Turns out we like a lot of stuff. We ‘value’ many things. The trick is determining your top 3-5 values that truly drive you to live your life. Over the course of ten years of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), or talk therapy, I read and heard a…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 29: Gratitude

After reading James Clears’ ‘Atomic Habits’, I wanted to try and add a new habit and get rid of an ‘bad’ one. Reading the book inspired me to apply Clears’ teachings and I knew I needed to choose some easy habits, or low hanging fruit, if you will. I had been thinking about quitting drinking beer before reading the book, so that seemed like an obvious ‘bad’ habit to change. And although I consider my…

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Flashback to Episode 4: Quiet vs Distraction

In KEW Episode 4 I discuss how hard it is for us to be quiet despite how important mindfulness and meditation are in our lives. We are so easily distracted. For example, I can hardly control my smartphone use and constantly use it as a distraction from being bored. At least I guess that’s what I’m doing. I will continue to develop the idea that we humans don’t do well with ‘down time’ and continually…

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