
Does Neurodivergence Empower Us to Resist Conformity?

This week I’ll skip right to the punchline.  The ability to see beyond the mainstream and to understand the continuum of whatever feature it is in the world is a special gift.  This is enhanced awareness. I wonder if being neurodiverse or atypical or having a sensitive or different nervous system, sort of gives us this ability.  In an evolutionary context, I can see how this ability would have been selected for. Hypervigilance enabled some of…

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What if Nature Made the Rules?

You’re probably not old enough to remember, but a commercial in the 70s reminds me of this episode. In the commercial, a woman who represented Earth informed the viewer, “‘It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.” I don’t know if this ad made an impression on me, but my adult self agrees with it. I don’t think we consult Mother Nature often enough. It might be my Evolutionary Ecology background showing, but I tend to…

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Why Good People Do Bad Things

Are humans evil? Are humans inherently evil?  There’s a popular hypothesis that says we are. It’s a great excuse for bad behavior. But believing we can’t help ourselves has never set well with me. Kind of like when some guys use ‘millions of years of evolution’ as an excuse to not be monogamous. My hypothesis is that humans aren’t inherently evil, and I’m going to tell you why. In Rutger Bregman’s ‘Humankind: A Hopeful History’,…

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The Thing Capitalism Gets Wrong (KEW Episode 143)

Lately, I’ve been wondering about capitalism and competition. As I have mentioned in other episodes (links below), competition only occurs when resources are limited. Also, capitalism requires competition to protect consumers from monopolies. While I argue in older episodes that this protective feature often doesn’t work, the fact remains that capitalism requires competition. That competition is a requirement of capitalism is critical BECAUSE competition only occurs when resources are limited.  When there are plenty of resources, there…

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