
Nature Knows Best (Episode 123)

For the past twenty-some Episodes, I have been trying to figure out how to formulate my current question of interest. Generally, I am trying to make the case that Nature provides a wealth of information. Further, I am pleading with humankind to CONSULT nature when making decisions. Especially decisions that affect our species’ or planets’ health. I have used evolution and natural selection (with DNA being the mechanism) as filters, of sorts, that approve or…

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Pro-socialism, Community, and Love. KEW Episode 114

I continue to be inspired by the interviews on The Great Simplification Podcast, by the host Nate Havens, and by his guests. It is rewarding to find support for ideas I thought were my own. So many thoughts have been swirling around in my head, and this podcast/blog/video channel is my attempt to integrate them. It is happening. Slowly, but surely. And the process has been expedited lately. The Acid Test idea; that nature and…

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KEW Episode 110: The Acid Test. The Nature of Enough

Much of this episode, and future episodes, are inspired by The Great Simplification and the concept of ‘Energy Blindness’. I am also reading Morgan Housels’ book, ‘The Psychology of Money’, https://www.amazon.com/Psychology-Money-Timeless-lessons-happiness/dp/0857197681 I mention these guys, as well as an older KEW episode, in this Episode. Here I argue that nature provides enough. Probably the concept of enough doesn’t exist in nature because it almost always exists. Hoarding and gluttony don’t seem to be common practices…

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KEW Acid Test: Nature Cooperates to Reduce Competition (Episode 109)

I really dislike Competition. And it is a touchy subject. In an article I published on Medium, I received several hateful comments defending the importance of competition in business and sports. In KEW Episode 95 I discuss Rugged Individualism vs. Unified Connection to make the point that competition focuses on isolation rather than community. I talk about this topic a lot. And it is important for me to revisit this in the spirit of the…

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KEW Episode 102: The Acid Test. Looking to Nature to Address Life’s Big Questions

I apologize that it has been nearly a month since my re-introduction post and Episode 101. I have been overwhelmed with thoughts, ideas, tangents, trailheads, and rabbit holes regarding this new direction for my blog/podcast/and YouTube channel. In this Episode, and over the next 4-5 I will start to unravel this rats’ nest into what I hope to be an interesting adventure. An acid test is a generic or colloquial term to refer to an…

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KEW Epilogue. A New Direction.

This Friday I will release my ‘last’ Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom podcast and video. Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom has produced 100 episodes and 30+ interviews in over two years. As of this week, I will take a break from producing new podcast and YouTube episodes. This site will remain live, and the podcast and YouTube episodes will remain online and remain in all podcast servers and apps. The spirit of this website and…

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“Rugged Individualism or Unified Connection?” KEW Episode 95: Cooperation vs Competition

Do you enjoy friendly competition? Many of us do. Some say it brings out the best in us. Some thrive in an environment where other people push us to perform at higher and higher levels. I can appreciate friendly competition like this. But I rarely see it. And sometimes even friendly competition turns sour. Feelings get hurt. Tempers flare. The high level of energy surrounding competitive exchanges can often spill over into anger. In Economics…

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KEW The Are vs Should Interview Series: Gretchen Winterkorn

If you are interested in therapy and coaching. Either for yourself, someone you love, or just because you think it’s cool. Gretchen Winterkorn is a wonderful person for you to meet, and you can check out her short video below. I am very lucky to see some cool people doing these KEW interviews, and I really enjoyed listening TO and talking WITH Gretchen. Relevant to the Are vs Should Problem, Gretchen and her family just…

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