
“How Much Time Do You Think You Have?” FLASHBACK! KEW Episode: Time

You ever look up at the stars at night and feel really small? Somehow gazing up a the vast emptiness of space, and realizing that these teeny little blips are actually ginormous stars is humbling. I hope you enjoy that feeling as much as I do. Most humans, however, don’t really ‘get’ the vastness of space. The range of size from tiny atoms up to the entire universe is immense. So immense, I argue, that…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 16: Who Tells your Story?

You may recognize this title form the hit musical Hamilton. I was inspired by this piece to think about what remains after we are gone. I think we remain in other people’s memories through time, the length and intensity of which is determined by the impact we made while we were alive. In as much as our DNA has memory and facilitates a kind of immortality as we pass our genes into future generations, so…

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