I apologize that it has been nearly a month since my re-introduction post and Episode 101. I have been overwhelmed with thoughts, ideas, tangents, trailheads, and rabbit holes regarding this new direction for my blog/podcast/and YouTube channel. In this Episode, and over the next 4-5 I will start to unravel…
Tag: personal growth
I Need a Tribe. Where is My Tribe?
I had a massive epiphany today. Maybe it *shouldn’t* have been so massive. I say *shouldn’t* because I hate the word ‘should’, and have podcasted extensively on this topic, and written about it on Medium. But this article is about me, and maybe also about you. So either way, the epiphany is that…
Welcome Back! A New Direction for Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom
It’s been six months. Though I wasn’t sure what would happen with KEW, I knew I would be back. After 100 Episodes and over 30 interviews, I am inspired to work on new material here on Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom. I’m ready to get back on track releasing new…
Would You Rather Be Right, or Happy?
Remember the last time you were at a real life impasse? It’s a cruddy feeling. Especially with someone you love. It’s frustrating to disagree. To reach a moment where you realize there’s no way to resolve the tension in the air. A simple conversation becomes conflict. We understand that the…
Epilogue KEW. The ‘Last Episode’ for now.
In the most recent Episodes I shared the capstone of my work thus far on Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom. Episodes 99 and 100 represent the culmination of the preceding 98 Episodes and 30+ interviews. The Uniqueness Imperative and the Evolution Paradox emerged, organically, from two years of podcasting and…
KEW Epilogue. A New Direction.
This Friday I will release my ‘last’ Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom podcast and video. Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom has produced 100 episodes and 30+ interviews in over two years. As of this week, I will take a break from producing new podcast and YouTube episodes. This site will…
“Life is Supposed to Change; It’s Up To You” KEW Episode 100: The Evolution Paradox
Everything about our ‘biological-ness’ is related to change. The developmental stages are all changes. We all grow bigger through life. We go through a brief period of fast growth, then switch over to a period of reproduction. These things are true for all life forms. We share, with ALL biology,…
“The One Thing You Can Bet on is that Things Will Change” Preview KEW Episode 100: The Evolution Paradox
Do you believe in Evolution? What if I told you that all Evolution says is that ‘things change’? Can you argue with that? Kind of hard to argue. Because things change. Not much is true or guaranteed in life. See my first Episode on Facts for a thorough analysis of…
“How Much Time Do You Think You Have?” FLASHBACK! KEW Episode: Time
You ever look up at the stars at night and feel really small? Somehow gazing up a the vast emptiness of space, and realizing that these teeny little blips are actually ginormous stars is humbling. I hope you enjoy that feeling as much as I do. Most humans, however, don’t…
I Run My Blog Like I Ran My Brewery
Which makes me a terrible business person I was a terrible business owner. At least from a capitalist viewpoint. My ‘mission statement’ was basically, “I make great beer. If you like great beer, you should try it!”. Seriously. That was it. Yes, we had a facebook page to share business…