
A Comprehensive Approach to Understanding Our Biosphere

Would our ancestors be proud of us? When I think of the problems humans face today: suffering, anxiety, inequality, social justice issues, war, pollution . . . I try to put things in an evolutionary context.  On the one hand, we have come so far. We have created many wonderful ‘science’, ‘technology’, and ‘engineering’ elements that benefit individuals and society. Clean water. Sanitation. Medicine.  On the other hand, it hasn’t all been rainbows and unicorns. We can’t seem…

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Growing Smaller is a Worthy Goal

I used to own a brewery. In our rural location and with our small customer pool, we struggled to be profitable.  My partners and I disagreed about how to best approach profitability. One had an MBA and swore by the neo-capitalist, Econ 101 approach to maximizing revenues. Following this popular approach, we were unable to generate returns on the money we threw at advertising, marketing, and solicitation. Though I was the introverted partner, I eventually mustered…

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