
Is This a Testable Personal Growth Hypothesis?

Does science play a role in your life?  Do you value hard data and evidence? Do you think humans are good at proving things? Or maybe you defer to religion or culture to decide what is real? I talk a lot about how science is over or undervalued. Some folks think science proves reality. Others think scientists are full of crap. Regardless of how you feel about science, the scientific method is regarded as one of…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 34: Self

Many people try to define and argue about what a ‘self’ is, or even whether or not we have one. I’m not too worried about getting it right, but I do think it’s worthwhile to ponder the concept of self. Basically, it’s a ‘Who Am I’ question, or part of that thought process. Some people spend a lot of time on that question, others don’t understand why anyone would waste their time asking it. I…

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