
Less is More, and all Jobs Suck

Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom Episode 128 If you listened to (or watched) KEW Episode 15 about the Rat Race, you’ll know my feelings on jobs. And consumerism. And keeping up with the Joneses. I think most human problems stem from our relationship with money. And possessions. And ownership.  Many smart people will say that this mess all started when the first (fat, white, male) humans decided they could own land. Prior to that, it…

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“Because even if you win, you’re still a rat!” FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 15: Rat Racer

If I’ve said it before, I’ve said it a million times. I still feel cheated by the rat race. The American Dream. The big lie. We are born, at least in the USA, dependent on the exchange of labor for money to support the US capitalist system. If we’re lucky we have guardians to support us until we are ‘adults’, but then we have to earn a few thousand dollars a month just to pay…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 15: Rat Racer

If you’re part of the Rat Race, you’re a Rat Racer! And maybe you’re doing really well. Winning, even. But even if you win, like Lily Tomlin said, you’re still a Rat. That’s how I have felt during the 35 years I’ve been working. Even when I got my ‘dream job’ as a professor, I still felt the pressure to win the Rat Race. Even now that I’m trying to do my own thing, and…

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KEW Episode 15: Rat Racer

Are you a Rat Racer? You know, someone who wholeheartedly embraces the rat race? We’re all born having made unconscious agreements to run the race to get good grades, get a good job, make a lot of money, marry the right person, etc., etc. but do we every really stop and ask ourselves if it’s worth it? Cuz like Lily Tomlin said, even if you win the rat race, you’re still a rat. In this…

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