
Epilogue KEW. The ‘Last Episode’ for now.

In the most recent Episodes I shared the capstone of my work thus far on Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom. Episodes 99 and 100 represent the culmination of the preceding 98 Episodes and 30+ interviews. The Uniqueness Imperative and the Evolution Paradox emerged, organically, from two years of podcasting and blogging on KEW and I appreciate your help elucidating those ideas. For the past couple of weeks, (May – June, 2022) I decided to write…

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Preview KEW Episode 46: Values

This week I share my story about identifying my values. Identifying values is one of those things that sounds easy, but is not simple. Sure, anyone can sit down with some online tools (like James Clear’s Life Lessons values journal), but it’s deceptively difficult to REALLY drill down to your personal values. On the surface values are things like love, joy, safety, and other intangibles that motivate you to live your life. Values are things…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 30: Quality

How do we know whether one thing is better than another? This may seem like a benign question, but think about that for a minute. When making decisions about something we need, whether it’s a new car, new shoes, or the food we eat we bring into the decision our opinions, ideas, and biases. Usually, we have a range of ‘quality’ (whatever that is) that we think is appropriate. This is largely driven by budget…

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FLASHBACK KEW Episode 9: Old Beliefs

Good time to revisit this Episode. For me, anyway because I’m constantly stalking old beliefs to try and change them. Old Beliefs are what you think is you. They’re the program running in the background of you ‘mind’. They’re the Matrix. But I’m here to tell you that the Old Beliefs are NOT YOU. I think true mastery of the human condition involves rewriting your Old Beliefs so you can live New ones. But first,…

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