
“How Much Time Do You Think You Have?” FLASHBACK! KEW Episode: Time

You ever look up at the stars at night and feel really small? Somehow gazing up a the vast emptiness of space, and realizing that these teeny little blips are actually ginormous stars is humbling. I hope you enjoy that feeling as much as I do. Most humans, however, don’t really ‘get’ the vastness of space. The range of size from tiny atoms up to the entire universe is immense. So immense, I argue, that…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 37: Currency of Life

We are taught that money is the currency of our lives. Really, everything we learn comes back to earning money so we can take care of ourselves and our loved ones. I’m not omniscient and definitely come from a privileged background, but it’s hard for me to imagine a scenario where getting money isn’t the primary goal. Because money buys all the other stuff we need. Our needs are met using money. Certainly I’m generalizing…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 32: Work/Life Balance.

We only get so much time on Earth, and it seems to be the most limiting resource there is – except when it doesn’t. At times we’re bored and can’t wait to ‘get there’ or for ‘this to be over’ (I’m talking to you, COVID). And other times we just can’t get enough time in the day to do the things we want and need to do. Work, career, a J. O. B. These things…

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KEW Episode 37: Currency of Life

One of the things I think about most often is how we have to have a job to earn money to buy the time we want to live our lives. It’s like the life we’re born with is secretly conditional upon participating in this loop. I’m not angry about it anymore, but I used to be. This forced agreement seemed unfair. Not that I didn’t want to work, I just felt violated having my life…

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Preview KEW Episode 37: The Currency of Life

Money is important. You need it to get the other things you need. Once you have enough money to meet your basic needs (food, shelter, safety) you can think about other things in life. People use money to measure their success and their ability to have other important things. Money is like the gateway. But there are other currencies we use and spend every day. For me, two important currencies are Time and Love. Without…

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