
“Love Your Neighbor and Other Ways to Make Your Life Suck Less” FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 21: We All Feel Different (But We’re All The Same)

Do you ever feel like no one ‘gets you’? Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong? Like people just don’t understand where you’re coming from? I have talked to many therapists, coaches, counselors, and psychologists and they all claim that this is one of the most common problems reported to them. So I wonder, if we all feel different doesn’t that unite us? Can we not ‘get together’ about this ‘feeing different’ issue? If…

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‘You are You, and You are Me’ KEW Episode 97: A New World View

Do you put on your oxygen mask first? Then what? We help our kids, our partners, the people sitting next to us. But we don’t think too much about what to do next. We are sort of obsessed with taking care of ourselves. And some of us suck at it. If you, like me, struggle with codependency, people pleasing, and conflict avoidance you may actually struggle with putting your needs first. Getting your needs met…

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Preview KEW Episode 68: Accountability

Accountability: : the quality or state of being accountable especially  : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions So, yeah, that first one’s lame because it references a definition with at least 7 meanings. The especially part gets pretty close, though. How do you feel about accountability? Personally, I’m a huge fan. In fact, I will go so far as to say one of my main complaints about the world is that people…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 10: Connectedness

In these divisive times I hope you find this episode compelling. If you already understand how connected *everything* is to everything else, please help spread the word. We are stardust We are golden We are billion year old carbon All repackaged generation after generation. Connected through molecules Connected through history. Connected through energy. Being divided goes against the very evolutionary principles that have dominated literally every process that has happened since the big bang. Enjoy.…

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