What matters to you? What is important? What do you value (Episode 46 Values)? We say things matter to us when we put energy into developing, protecting, and thinking about them. Our families matter. Our relationships matter. Things that matter have meaning to us. What is meaningful to me might not be meaningful to you. But as I have…
Tag: why am i here
KEW Acid Test: Why Ask These Questions? (Episode 108)
It’s a good question. Why? Maybe we should always be asking why. When we don’t know why we’re doing something, what’s the point? Whether it’s for money. Or for power. Or to get something. Or maybe it’s a more altruistic reason. The ‘why’ we do things is critical and isn’t…
KEW Acid Tests Questions. What Do We Want to Know?
Who Am I? Why Are We Here? What is My Purpose? Are We Living ‘Right’? Questions like this – the ‘big questions’ have been around since antiquity. It’s fun to think about when our brains reached a point in evolution where we started having luxury time. Because it’s a luxury…
KEW The Acid Test Assumptions. Using DNA and Nature to Advise the Big Questions (Episode 106)
Before embarking on an investigation any researcher worth their salt will state their assumptions. This lays the groundwork for what is to come and allows the reader to contextualize the investigation. In regular science, this is often ignored. It’s a shame we seem to be losing this important piece of…
‘You are You, and You are Me’ KEW Episode 97: A New World View
Do you put on your oxygen mask first? Then what? We help our kids, our partners, the people sitting next to us. But we don’t think too much about what to do next. We are sort of obsessed with taking care of ourselves. And some of us suck at it….
‘We Are . . . . Earth. Solving the Problem Together’ Preview KEW Episode 97: New World View
A lot of people may have an issue with this Episode. I really don’t have a feel for how many people believe we are all connected. KEW Episode 10 focused on the idea of Connectedness, but I don’t know if it is a popular concept. To me it is obvious…
KEW Episode 76: Why Am I?
You’ve likely pondered the great, ‘Who Am I?’ question. But what about the ‘Why Am I?’ The ‘why’ is a great question no matter the situation. Of the who, what, when, where, why, and how questions the ‘why’ is probably the most challenging. Is there a meaning to life? Do…
FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 57:
Being confused is no fun. Think about a time in your life when you have conflicting things going on. Maybe it’s whether or not to leave your job. Or break up with a partner. Or to have kids or not. As humans there is a lot of this cognitive dissonance….
KEW Episode 65: How Do We Know if We Really Know What We Think We Know?
To some, this is a ridiculous question steeped in pointless naval gazing. To others, it’s a comedic take on people who ask the ‘big questions’. To others this is a reasonable assessment of what we want to understand. To me, it’s all three at the same time. And maybe that’s…
FLASHBACK! KEW Curiosity Interview Series 8: Bernhard Kutzler
I was so happy to meet Bernhard Kutzler. I told him we were kindred spirits because we were asking such similar questions. He agreed. He also agreed to interview with me to discuss Curiosity. My first thoughts about Bernhard were why no one else has heard of him. I still…