
KEW Episode 84: Mindfulness and Mindset

Have you heard people say that you can’t control what happens to you, but you CAN control how you react to what happens to you? It’s so true, but it isn’t easy. We all want some degree of control in our lives. Or wish for it. Long for it. But control is an illusion. I’m not saying life is 100% chaotic and unpredictable, but being attached to controlling things really only wears you out. I…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 29: Gratitude

After reading James Clears’ ‘Atomic Habits’, I wanted to try and add a new habit and get rid of an ‘bad’ one. Reading the book inspired me to apply Clears’ teachings and I knew I needed to choose some easy habits, or low hanging fruit, if you will. I had been thinking about quitting drinking beer before reading the book, so that seemed like an obvious ‘bad’ habit to change. And although I consider my…

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