
I’m Not You and You’re Not Me

Have you ever wondered how any two people can have a conversation and walk away feeling both like they were heard and believing they heard the other person? It blows my mind how limiting conversation can be. As magical as language is, it leaves so much room for error. Words mean different things to different people. We hear one thing when they mean another. Context matters. We have different life experiences. There are so many…

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Can We Treat Death as a Mentor?

Ok, I know, this sounds weird but hear me out.  Humans are freaked out by death. I’m not saying I’m any different, just drawing attention to this in hopes of reducing our suffering. Today I’m wondering what life would be like if we could change our relationship with death. The Toltec civilization of Central America considered death an advisor like a friend who gives advice. In this way, Toltecs navigated their lives knowing they were temporary.…

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Let’s Talk About Sex Part 1 (KEW 117)

Sex. We’re obsessed with it. And for good reason. Sexual reproduction is the mechanism that perpetuates life. We can’t live forever, but we can become essentially immortal by passing on our genes to the next generation. Humans, and other life forms, don’t live forever. But one can argue that our DNA does. And it’s not all sex, but it’s more fun to talk about sex. We used to get along great without sex. All organisms…

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‘You are You, and You are Me’ KEW Episode 97: A New World View

Do you put on your oxygen mask first? Then what? We help our kids, our partners, the people sitting next to us. But we don’t think too much about what to do next. We are sort of obsessed with taking care of ourselves. And some of us suck at it. If you, like me, struggle with codependency, people pleasing, and conflict avoidance you may actually struggle with putting your needs first. Getting your needs met…

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Preview KEW Episode 68: Accountability

Accountability: : the quality or state of being accountable especially  : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions So, yeah, that first one’s lame because it references a definition with at least 7 meanings. The especially part gets pretty close, though. How do you feel about accountability? Personally, I’m a huge fan. In fact, I will go so far as to say one of my main complaints about the world is that people…

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KEW Episode 65: How Do We Know if We Really Know What We Think We Know?

To some, this is a ridiculous question steeped in pointless naval gazing. To others, it’s a comedic take on people who ask the ‘big questions’. To others this is a reasonable assessment of what we want to understand. To me, it’s all three at the same time. And maybe that’s the point. And like most rhetorical questions, I don’t really want to KNOW if I really know what I think I know. Rather, I’m curious…

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KEW Curiosity Interview Series 7: Dan Tassone

For the seventh installment of the KEW Curiosity Interview series I had the pleasure of talking with Dan Tassone. Dan was introduced to me by our mutual buddy, Brian, who basically told me ‘this is one of the most curious cats I know. You HAVE to interview him’. Well, Brian knows me pretty well because Dan was awesome and we hit it off quickly. Dan went to school for a long time (as we do,…

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