
Learning About Where We Goofed Up

What went right? Do you ever wonder how we got here? Do you ever think about what has changed over hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution? The past few decades have seen exponential growth in technology. Smartphones. Passenger trips to space. Electric vehicles. Lots of crazy new tech. In most of our lifetimes, technological advances have dominated the changes we experience. Science changed the world. Medical advances like germ theory and surgical techniques have…

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Codependency as an Addiction (KEW Episode 125)

Divorce taught me that I had been very codependent in my first marriage. Many would argue that my ex-wife was narcissistic. As KEW readers and listeners know, I don’t like either of those words but I think they describe some very human attributes. Some people are very confident and others are not so much. The extreme ends of this continuum result in things like narcissism and codependency. I have a whole episode about this dynamic:…

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Nature Knows Best (Episode 123)

For the past twenty-some Episodes, I have been trying to figure out how to formulate my current question of interest. Generally, I am trying to make the case that Nature provides a wealth of information. Further, I am pleading with humankind to CONSULT nature when making decisions. Especially decisions that affect our species’ or planets’ health. I have used evolution and natural selection (with DNA being the mechanism) as filters, of sorts, that approve or…

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KEW Episode 111: Vulnerability is Your Superpower

I have been thinking a lot about the popular images of aggressive male competitors. Silverback gorillas. Wrestlemania or UFC fighters. These popular ideas feature ‘Alpha males’ bullying and pushing around ‘weaker’ males in order to get mates, habitat, or food. These toxic stereotypes probably spill over into popular culture and contribute to the issues we have among genders today. My question is, how common are these ‘alpha males’? How ‘fit’ were these gender differences across…

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KEW Episode 103: Human Pros and Cons. We’re not as ‘evolved’ as we think.

As we conduct the great KEW acid tests I have to establish a baseline. In this episode I want to touch on a few elements of the ‘human personality’ and our ‘global value system’ that I think we can improve on. I think humans are great, but there are a few key items I want to mention: One of the big issues is that we think linearly. We tend to look at things as either…

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“The One Thing You Can Bet on is that Things Will Change” Preview KEW Episode 100: The Evolution Paradox

Do you believe in Evolution? What if I told you that all Evolution says is that ‘things change’? Can you argue with that? Kind of hard to argue. Because things change. Not much is true or guaranteed in life. See my first Episode on Facts for a thorough analysis of that tenet. But one thing you can bet on is that things change. And I’ve always wondered why people resist the Theory of Evolution when…

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