
KEW Episode 103: Human Pros and Cons. We’re not as ‘evolved’ as we think.

As we conduct the great KEW acid tests I have to establish a baseline. In this episode I want to touch on a few elements of the ‘human personality’ and our ‘global value system’ that I think we can improve on. I think humans are great, but there are a few key items I want to mention: One of the big issues is that we think linearly. We tend to look at things as either…

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Epilogue KEW. The ‘Last Episode’ for now.

In the most recent Episodes I shared the capstone of my work thus far on Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom. Episodes 99 and 100 represent the culmination of the preceding 98 Episodes and 30+ interviews. The Uniqueness Imperative and the Evolution Paradox emerged, organically, from two years of podcasting and blogging on KEW and I appreciate your help elucidating those ideas. For the past couple of weeks, (May – June, 2022) I decided to write…

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KEW Epilogue. A New Direction.

This Friday I will release my ‘last’ Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom podcast and video. Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom has produced 100 episodes and 30+ interviews in over two years. As of this week, I will take a break from producing new podcast and YouTube episodes. This site will remain live, and the podcast and YouTube episodes will remain online and remain in all podcast servers and apps. The spirit of this website and…

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“The World Needs You To Become the Best ‘You’ Possible” KEW Episode 99: The Uniqueness Imperative

I kind of can’t believe the title of Episode 99, but this is the culmination of all the work so far including nearly 100 KEW Episodes and over 30 Interviews. Hopefully this body of work, thus far, has earned me a bit of credibility. Coupled with my PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and over a decade in multiple modalities of therapy, counseling, and coaching, I think I have some room to ‘weigh in’ on…

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“Rugged Individualism or Unified Connection?” KEW Episode 95: Cooperation vs Competition

Do you enjoy friendly competition? Many of us do. Some say it brings out the best in us. Some thrive in an environment where other people push us to perform at higher and higher levels. I can appreciate friendly competition like this. But I rarely see it. And sometimes even friendly competition turns sour. Feelings get hurt. Tempers flare. The high level of energy surrounding competitive exchanges can often spill over into anger. In Economics…

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“All Things in Moderation, or Indulge Your Every Whim?” Preview KEW Episode 94: Homeostasis

Do you remember Homeostasis from high school biology? Probably not – but I bet you have a pretty good idea about what it means. Here’s what Webster-Mirriam says it means: : a relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group Of course, then, we have to define equilibrium also: 1 a: a state of intellectual or emotional balance : trying to…

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“Integrity is Aligning Your Actions with Your Values” Preview KEW Episode 91: Walk the Talk

Has anyone ever told you to ‘Walk the Talk?’ My dad used to say this to me in those moments of fatherly advice. Yeah, I hated it when he said it. When I was a teenager this phrase just made me angry at him for not understanding how hard my (easy and privileged) life was. As an adult this phrase continues to haunt me because now it makes sense. Walking the talk is about aligning…

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“Choosing a ‘Smaller’ Life Brings Her Integrity” KEW The Are vs Should Problem Interview Series: Candice Smiley

Have you experienced trauma? Have you overcome adversity? Many, if not most, of us have not have perfect lives. Candice Smiley is like us. Though we don’t talk specifically about her past, you will be amazed to learn that this sophisticated, confident, and calm woman made it through her suffering. In fact, you will be impressed at her candor and her, well, knowledge, experience, and wisdom. We are lucky that Candice is healing and taking…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 9: Old Beliefs

What beliefs are you carrying around that no longer serve you? Maybe you grew up in a religious household but no longer practice. Maybe you were told that non-white people were bad, but you never understood why. Maybe you believed you had to do whatever people told you to do and lost your sense of self along the way. We learned a lot of things as kids (and as adults!), but no one ever asked…

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KEW Episode 88: It Takes a Village

Where do you stand on the whole ‘personal responsibility’ issue? I always assumed that I had to take care of my own stuff. I made my choices and had to deal with them. When I had kids, everyone kept telling me, ‘it takes a village’, and I honestly didn’t understand what they were talking about. I guess I’ve always been a lone wolf – but I don’t necessarily like that about myself. So there’s like…

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