
Preview KEW Episode 84: Mindfulness and Mindset

What do you think about when you hear the words ‘Mindfulness’ or ‘Mindset’? You might be indifferent. Many are. You might be opposed to these terms or they may induce a knee-jerk reaction, like, ‘More mumbo-jumbo hippie talk.’ Or something negative, at least. Many of you, of course, will recognize these terms but have varying familiarity with what the words really mean in practice. Funny how that is. We all think we know the meaning…

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KEW Episode 83: Awareness, Attention, and Meditation

Are you self aware? We all think we are. Just like we all think we’re right, as we learned from Paul Gadola in multiple interviews. And, really, if you are taking the time to wonder whether or not you are self aware, you probably are. Our awareness is one of our greatest strengths. It’s a super power. Awareness is how we pay attention to the world around us. It is the currency we use to…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 3: Gaming the System

Is the playing field unequal? I many ways I think it is. When we discriminate each other we shift from equality to inequality. When some people have advantages others do not we create hierarchies. Some of this is unavoidable. Some of this is unfair. Some of this can be very benign and have little consequence. But some discrimination can have massive consequences. Racism Sexism Hell, stereotyping itself can have massive consequences depending on what is…

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Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom Featured on ‘Intelligent Conversations’ Podcast

I’ll admit I reached out to Josh Baker at The Intelligent Conversations podcast. I wanted to be a part of what he was doing. But I didn’t realize he was going to verify and validate one of my latest suspicions. That an almost 50 year old dude (me) and a 19 year old guy (Josh) have a lot more in common than they might think. In fact, Josh and I illustrate quite well my ‘bimodal…

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Preview KEW The Are vs Should Interview Series: Emmanuelle Chasse

I was so happy Emmanuelle Chasse expressed interest in talking with us about the Are vs Should Problem. She gets it. She’s a podcast, blogger, mindset and weight loss coach, and just a super enlightened individual. Emma and I have a lot of overlap in our spiritual interests but you are going to get an incredible amount of insight from her this week! Here’s a link to find out all you can about her: https://rapidtransformation.ca…

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FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 2: Individuals and Community

I believe humans are simultaneously individuals AND members of the greater community. We are rugged individuals. We seek to meet our own basic needs. We put on our oxygen masks first. Some of us can be downright selfish.EXCEPT we are also part of a greater whole. It’s confusing, but it’s true. Part of the human condition – the struggle – is to balance these to seemingly opposing states. But there is balance. There is harmony.…

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KEW Episode 81: The Algorithm

If you have not seen the Social Dilemma, it is a great little conspiracy theory. And one I can get behind. The gist is internet companies (facebook, youtube, etc.) have developed complex algorithms (models, simplifications) that monitor your online (and off, through your phone microphone, alexa, etc.) behavior. These companies then use this information to determine what advertisements you might click on, perpetuating the online economy. If you think about this in capitalistic terms, it’s…

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KEW The Are vs Should Interview Series: Kate Stark

Are you a parent? Do you know any parents? Do you think you might ever BE a parent? Do you HAVE parents? Surely you answered yes to at least one of those questions. And, if so, this interview is going to benefit you in many ways. Kate Stark teaches parents to feel better about themselves. And this is a very timely and necessary gift. See the video snippet below to see what I mean. It…

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Preview KEW Episode 81: The Algorithm

You have surely heard of the YouTube algorithm. Or the facebook algorithm. Or the Google one. By this point ‘The Algorithm’ is in our vernacular to describe someone trying to control our attention. In the docudrama ‘The Social Dilemma’, we are shown how these internet companies vie for our attention and our dollars by controlling what shows up in our social media threads. I found the movie a bit conspiracy theorist, but it isn’t too…

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Preview KEW The Are vs Should Interview Series: Kate Stark

This week I chat with Kate Stark, parent and child advocate living in Sheffield, UK. She started off helping new parents learn to use baby carriers appropriately, and was so good she now coaches and teaches new parents all sorts of things. Turns out, her work and beliefs touch upon the Are vs Should Problem in new and enlightening ways. This was a fun, informative, and encouraging talk and you are going to enjoy it.…

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