
“Am I Evil, or Just Angry?” KEW Episode 93: Good vs Evil

Have you ever been sucked into an internet thread and walked away feeling angry? You know, like a political rant thread? Identity politics? Ad hominem attacks and name-calling? Isn’t that frustrating? That sentiment or feeling that other people are just mean, or evil, is part of what motivates this week’s Episode. Many will argue that people are just ‘bad’, or even ‘evil’, and that’s why we have bad things in the world. Like these internet…

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“It’s Like Lord of the Flies in Here” Preview KEW Episode 93: Good vs Evil

Do you think people are inherently good, or inherently evil? Like, left to our own devices, will we make decisions that are beneficial or harmful to others? I have mentioned the Rutger Bregman book, ‘Humankind: A Hopeful History‘ MANY times now on the podcast and this is my inspiration for this episode. For a summary of the brief story below, read the book or see his article in The Guardian. Spoiler alert, I believe people are…

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“Turn Off Your Analytical Mind” KEW Episode 92: Intuition

Has anyone ever told you to turn off your analytical mind? Or to use your intuition? I’m lucky to have a coach that constantly asks my analytical self to step aside. The space that remains, sans analysis, is incredibly interesting. And I think it’s where intuition lives. In fact, I’d say my idea of intuition was inaccurate. I guess I thought of it like a hunch. Or a tingly spidey sense. I’m not really sure…

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“How to Trust Your Gut” Preview KEW Episode 92: Intuition

How many times has someone told you to trust your gut? Or to use your intuition? What does that even mean? In the past few years I have done a lot of somatic meditation and coaching. I have learned to ‘get in touch with my body’. I didn’t know what it really meant to ‘trust your gut’, but I am learning. Prior to my introduction to somatic healing, I really wasn’t that in tune with…

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It isn’t Capitalism, or Religion, or Politics. There’s Too Many People.

It’s a numbers game I can almost always explain an observation, conflict, dilemma, or issue, with the ‘too many people’ explanation. I have as many degrees in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology as one can get. I’m not bragging, just explaining my credentials for making the observation that the problems we face are because the Earth is too crowded. The concept of carrying capacity describes an idea that the availability of resources (food, space, shelter) are…

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“Practicing What We Preach” KEW Episode 91: Walk the Talk

Most of us are not perfect. I certainly am not. In fact,lately I have been replaying several moments from my life where I behaved poorly. But when I do this nowadays, I don’t beat myself up. I have learned to find self-compassion for the person I used to be and to recognize I am no longer him. Integrity is the alignment of our values or beliefs with our actions or behavior. Even though I know…

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“Integrity is Aligning Your Actions with Your Values” Preview KEW Episode 91: Walk the Talk

Has anyone ever told you to ‘Walk the Talk?’ My dad used to say this to me in those moments of fatherly advice. Yeah, I hated it when he said it. When I was a teenager this phrase just made me angry at him for not understanding how hard my (easy and privileged) life was. As an adult this phrase continues to haunt me because now it makes sense. Walking the talk is about aligning…

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