
I Need a Tribe. Where is My Tribe?

I had a massive epiphany today. Maybe it *shouldn’t* have been so massive. I say *shouldn’t* because I hate the word ‘should’, and have podcasted extensively on this topic, and written about it on Medium. But this article is about me, and maybe also about you. So either way, the epiphany is that I realized the source of several of my ‘issues’. These issues may be relatable for you. I seek esteem from outside myself. I do this…

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Would You Rather Be Right, or Happy?

Remember the last time you were at a real life impasse? It’s a cruddy feeling. Especially with someone you love. It’s frustrating to disagree. To reach a moment where you realize there’s no way to resolve the tension in the air. A simple conversation becomes conflict. We understand that the other person is NOT going to see our point of view, NOT going to change their minds, and you are NOT going to walk away…

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Epilogue KEW. The ‘Last Episode’ for now.

In the most recent Episodes I shared the capstone of my work thus far on Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom. Episodes 99 and 100 represent the culmination of the preceding 98 Episodes and 30+ interviews. The Uniqueness Imperative and the Evolution Paradox emerged, organically, from two years of podcasting and blogging on KEW and I appreciate your help elucidating those ideas. For the past couple of weeks, (May – June, 2022) I decided to write…

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KEW Epilogue. A New Direction.

This Friday I will release my ‘last’ Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom podcast and video. Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom has produced 100 episodes and 30+ interviews in over two years. As of this week, I will take a break from producing new podcast and YouTube episodes. This site will remain live, and the podcast and YouTube episodes will remain online and remain in all podcast servers and apps. The spirit of this website and…

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“Life is Supposed to Change; It’s Up To You” KEW Episode 100: The Evolution Paradox

Everything about our ‘biological-ness’ is related to change. The developmental stages are all changes. We all grow bigger through life. We go through a brief period of fast growth, then switch over to a period of reproduction. These things are true for all life forms. We share, with ALL biology, this unanimous and ubiquitous feature. We change. Evolution is simply change through TIME. The universe also changes. The laws of thermodynamics essentially describe these changes.…

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“The One Thing You Can Bet on is that Things Will Change” Preview KEW Episode 100: The Evolution Paradox

Do you believe in Evolution? What if I told you that all Evolution says is that ‘things change’? Can you argue with that? Kind of hard to argue. Because things change. Not much is true or guaranteed in life. See my first Episode on Facts for a thorough analysis of that tenet. But one thing you can bet on is that things change. And I’ve always wondered why people resist the Theory of Evolution when…

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“How Much Time Do You Think You Have?” FLASHBACK! KEW Episode: Time

You ever look up at the stars at night and feel really small? Somehow gazing up a the vast emptiness of space, and realizing that these teeny little blips are actually ginormous stars is humbling. I hope you enjoy that feeling as much as I do. Most humans, however, don’t really ‘get’ the vastness of space. The range of size from tiny atoms up to the entire universe is immense. So immense, I argue, that…

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“The World Needs You To Become the Best ‘You’ Possible” KEW Episode 99: The Uniqueness Imperative

I kind of can’t believe the title of Episode 99, but this is the culmination of all the work so far including nearly 100 KEW Episodes and over 30 Interviews. Hopefully this body of work, thus far, has earned me a bit of credibility. Coupled with my PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and over a decade in multiple modalities of therapy, counseling, and coaching, I think I have some room to ‘weigh in’ on…

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“Finding Your Purpose is the Ultimate in Non-Conformity” Preview KEW Episode 99: The Uniqueness Imperative

I am so exited to share these next few Episodes with you and to talk about the new direction at KEW. In this Episode I introduce the Uniqueness Paradox (UP). This is derived from my series arc about the Are vs Should Problem and why we feel this dissonance between who we are and who we feel like we are supposed to be. Based on my research, as well as the Are vs Should Interview…

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“Understanding Math to Live a More Informed Life” KEW Episode 98: The Normal Curve

Are you familiar with the ‘bell curve’? It’s also called a ‘normal curve’, or a Gaussian distribution because it describes what statisticians call a ‘normal distribution’. Here’s the wikipedia definition: a probability distribution that is symmetric about the mean, showing that data near the mean are more frequent in occurrence than data far from the mean And here’s a video link if you want a more detailed explanation. Essentially, this picture is a visual image…

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