
Using Common Sense to Win at Life

Do you remember common sense? That people just kinda know stuff. What’s right and what’s wrong. Do you remember Common Sense? The document by Thomas Paine that was a precursor to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution?  The first thing is something we think everybody we agree with has, and everybody we disagree with doesn’t have. The second thing basically said government is a necessary evil. This episode is about the first thing, and…

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Growing Smaller is a Worthy Goal Part 2

Here is Part 1 of this two-part series. In it, I focus mostly on the Growth part of the equation In Part 2, I want to focus on the Smaller portion. As I said, I used to be an entrepreneur. In my small town, I struggled to generate enough traffic to amount to any significant income. Believing I couldn’t manipulate revenue, I instead focused very carefully on the expense side of the balance sheet.  Later I…

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What Freedom Means to Me

The fourth of July makes me ashamed. I’m ashamed of myself because I can’t seem to match the patriotism that surrounds me. In the USA, people get almost spiritual about their fireworks, hot dogs, and freedom worship. Behind all of this, for me, is a whole lot of weirdness. The whole Independence thing is fine. We fled a plutocratic government to have the ‘freedom’ to worship any god we wanted only to find ourselves in…

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Growing Smaller is a Worthy Goal

I used to own a brewery. In our rural location and with our small customer pool, we struggled to be profitable.  My partners and I disagreed about how to best approach profitability. One had an MBA and swore by the neo-capitalist, Econ 101 approach to maximizing revenues. Following this popular approach, we were unable to generate returns on the money we threw at advertising, marketing, and solicitation. Though I was the introverted partner, I eventually mustered…

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The Downfall of Modern Life

This episode is inspired by the idea that the USA has the world’s most expensive yet least h care. At least this has been the type of conclusion drawn from many analyses that compare things like GDP, cost of health care, and individual health. The idea is that we have come a long way, but we don’t necessarily have a lot to show for it. Or, maybe it’s about making all of this so-called ‘progress’,…

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Our Feelings Drive Interactions with Each Other

If I’ve said it once by now, I’ve said it a thousand times: It blows my mind that any two people can have a conversation and walk away feeling understood AND having understood the other person with any degree of accuracy. In other words, our communication sucks.  We often hear something other than the other person’s intent. And how often have you had a conversation and then have to have the same one AGAIN because…

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Radical Acceptance Can Help You Progress Through Life

Knowing yourself is an important part of being a complete human. Maybe this is just my opinion based on my own values, but it seems to be a theme. Throughout history there have been thinkers proclaiming the importance of knowing oneself. To justify this conclusion we can look at the opposite side of the coin. What is NOT knowing yourself like? To me, not knowing yourself leads to lots of misbehaviors. Breaking societal norms (which…

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Less is More, and all Jobs Suck

Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom Episode 128 If you listened to (or watched) KEW Episode 15 about the Rat Race, you’ll know my feelings on jobs. And consumerism. And keeping up with the Joneses. I think most human problems stem from our relationship with money. And possessions. And ownership.  Many smart people will say that this mess all started when the first (fat, white, male) humans decided they could own land. Prior to that, it…

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Degrowth vs Growth (KEW Episode 126)

While I don’t want to perpetuate the ‘capitalism sucks’ argument, I want to spend some time on degrowth. Pretty funny that the spell checkers keep correcting ‘degrowth’ to ‘regrowth’. See? This idea is manifested in everything. Because of capitalism, humans have become obsessed with growth. Mostly in the financial sense. The way our global economy is set up, growth is an essential requirement. Maybe THE MOST essential requirement. When we create money we create debt.…

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